True Heart Knowledge of God

Dear Ones: If we should ask ourselves the question, “How well do we know God,”  I am sure that most of us would say, “Not very much, and certainly not as well as I would hope and aim for.”  If then we ask the question, “What does it mean to KNOW God,” I wonder how…

The Wondrous Workings of God

Dear Ones: In the great passage in Isaiah 9:6, we read that “…His name shall be called WONDERFUL…”  The word in Hebrew means:  “…to separate, i.e. distinguish; by implication to BE great, difficult, wonderful…” Because God is “full of wonder,” so are His works.  They possess the same trademark of uniqueness, separateness, and an amazing…

The Avoidance Of The Impossible

Dear Ones: We are apt to always look at what is humanly possible, and logically feasible.  This perspective can be a great barrier, and hindrance to faith.   Let’s begin our consideration of this subject by citing what Jeremiah wrote:  “Then came the word of the Lord unto Jeremiah, saying: ‘Behold, I am the Lord, the…

Alignment With God

Dear Ones: There are few passages in Scripture which bring us into alignment with the thinking, and purpose of God, like Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord’s Prayer).  Without hesitation at the request of the disciples, the Lord sought to TEACH them to pray.  From the very outset of our consideration of this matter of prayer, we…

Are We Listening?

Dear Ones: There is One who is constantly speaking…our Maker, Redeemer, Savior, Friend.  But do we hear Him?  In Psalms 19, the psalmist writes:  “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth forth His handiwork.  Day unto day UTTERETH SPEECH, and night unto night knowledge.  There is no speech nor language (no…

The Manifesting Glory

Dear Ones: It was a sad day in the history of Israel when “…the lamp went out in the temple of God.” (1 Sam. 3:3)  That lamp was a physical picture and illustration of the presence of God.  Scripture tells us that leading up to that state of affairs, “…the word of the Lord was…

The Pursuit of God

Dear Ones: There are many of us who seek the “things” of God, without seeking God Himself.  There is an old hymn, the first stanza of which is:  “My goal is God, Himself, not joy or peace.  Not even blessing, but Himself my God.  T’is His to lead me there not mine but His, by…

The Unceasing Anointing

Dear Ones: A good many years ago, I met a missionary who had worked in China for forty years.  She had a wealth of experiential knowledge and wisdom, but one of the admonitions that she gave was that we should “…keep short accounts with God.”  Why?  Because for the Christian, who is in living union…

Mercy’s Mission

Dear Ones: We can very easily get in the way of God’s mercy.  How can this be, since He is sovereign and all-mighty?  When Jonah was sent by God to preach to the Ninevites, he did not want to go.  There arose in his heart what he would later describe as a “lying vanity,” which…