“Thou art worthy to take the book, and to loose its seals…” Revelation 9
Dear Ones:
There is one supreme, clarion sounding message throughout the entire testimony of Scripture, and it is concerning LIFE. Immediately, let’s distinguish the difference between “existence” and what the Lord Jesus called, “Life.” When we are born into this world, even while in our mother’s womb, we “existed,” and “lived,” by virtue of a beating heart. But the problem of our coming into this world was that we were born dead, dead to God, and everything that pertains to Him. Though we were born living souls, yet, the window of our spirits were shut to the light, and revelation of God. It is true that even so, we benefited from the blessings of God, for He makes his rain to fall on the just and the unjust, providing for the sustenance of man. But spiritually, man is born with no desire to seek God, possessing no capacity to find Him. And yet, the message rings clear…God is ever seeking man to give him LIFE, His life, the life of His Son, by the Spirit.
Scripture speaks of “Life” with regard to books that have been written by God. Throughout the Old Testament, and into the New Testament, there is the declarative testimony of God concerning His commitment, and work, with regard to saving and delivering sinful man from the dire estate of Lifelessness,” an existence without God. In Revelation 5, we see the Lamb of God approach the throne, there to “take the book.” It is such a singular and significant act by the Son of God, that there resulted a “falling down before Him” in heaven of the representatives of the redeemed, and a new song given to be sung and declared by “…every kindred, and tongue, and nation.” (v.9) Why? Because in that book is the testimony of LIFE, not only in God’s efforts, and dealings with men, but in the effects of such a salvation won on Calvary. Many believe the book to not only name the names of the redeemed throughout all ages, but to unveil the inheritance that belongs to Christ, in heaven and earth, declared and written forever, for all to see. The book is a testimony of a LIFE sacrificed, given, and known.
With regard to “a River,” we catch a glimpse of another aspect of this issue of LIFE in Psalm 46:4,5: “There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God…God is in the midst of her.” This “River” is Christ Himself. When the Lord Jesus spoke of “rivers of living water,” He spoke of His LIFE, by the Spirit. Where the Book was the declaration and testimony of the LIFE, the river is the expression of is power, presence, and essence…”the river shall make glad the city of God.” As Paul would later express it, “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, JOY, peace…”
Lastly, we see “a Tree.” John calls it “…a tree of LIFE.” (Rev. 22:14) This tree speaks of fruits…and healing. “…The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” (22:2) The effect of LIFE is healing, healing from the ravages and destructive results of sin. In summation, the book will speak of the testimony. The river will speak of the power, presence,and essence of God. And lastly, the tree will speak of the healing properties of the life of God in the soul.
Dear Father, give us grace to see things as You do, and come to grips with the necessity of knowing Thee, of knowing true LIFE. Save us from just the perspective of “existing,” and give us grace to receive of Your fullness, the fullness of the Life of Your Son, dwelling in our hearts by faith. We thank and praise Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad