Dear Ones:
Among the most extraordinary statements that we have in the Apostle Paul’s writings is this one: “…when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, who called me by His grace, to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach him…”(Gal. 1:16) From the very moment that Christ revealed Himself to Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, God began a “shattering” work of breaking down false ideas and convictions that Saul of Tarsus had about Christ. Part of that “breaking down” was the demolishing of the idea that Jesus Christ was Lord, and the very Sovereign of his life. Nothing could have been so personal, nor so direct, than to hear the words: “…Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?” (Acts 9:4) The work of God had begun in Saul’s heart, a work that would increasingly become crystal clear…especially concerning his calling, individual, specific, and personal. This conviction, fashioned by the intervention of God in his heart and spirit, and through the circumstances in which he found himself, convinced the Apostle that indeed, “…God…separated me from my mother’s womb…that I might preach Him (Christ).”
There has only been one Apostle Paul, and there will not be another. But there is the same God, who calls us, draws us, and through His word, and the circumstances of His choosing, bringing to light increasingly that His work in us is an eternal one, and one on which we can hope. When Paul penned the words, “…Faithful is He who calls you, who also will do it,” (1 Thess. 5:24), he opens our eyes to see and believe indeed, that “He who began a good work in us, WILL perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Phil.1:6) We can be assured, and thus, actively count on, His constant presence and intervention in our lives. This will be known increasingly as we learn His ways, and learn to abide in Him.
It is difficult to be faithful to God according to our calling, if we are not clearly convinced of it. Sometimes, it takes a while to see clearly what this calling is. But we can trust God to make it clear, “sure” to our own hearts and minds. This He will do through the Word, by the Spirit, as we trust Him. So, today, let us believe Him for clarity and conviction, and may the quiet resolve of faith, lay hold upon Christ for the full outworking of God’s in and through us, for His glory. The calling dates back to our mother’s womb…so it must be an important one in God’s eyes.
Love, Dad