Dear Ones:
There are few passages in Scripture which bring us into alignment with the thinking, and purpose of God, like Matthew 6:9-13 (The Lord’s Prayer). Without hesitation at the request of the disciples, the Lord sought to TEACH them to pray. From the very outset of our consideration of this matter of prayer, we must see and understand that prayer is something to be learned. And the whole method and means by which we learn is embedded in the WILL and WAY of God (Is. 55:9,11) So, what is the Lord teaching here with regard to our approach to God, and the ensuing communion with God?
Christ lifts us UP into the very heavenly presence of the personal Father, the gracious provider and keeper of us all, the one who loves His children, and delights in their coming to Him. “Our Father…” He is MY Father, and He is OUR Father. (…thus the same family of faith). But He is our Father “…which is IN HEAVEN.” Though we live in His presence, His home, abode, throne, is IN HEAVEN, that blessed place where pure holiness dwells, and there is no sin and suffering. It is into this realm that He would have us come, not just to escape the preoccupation with the needs of earth, but to breathe the blessed clean air of hope, assurance, His peace and joy. We are called to a loving Father, who like the father of the prodigal son, is looking intently down that road waiting to see his son come home, waiting to see his face. This is where prayer begins, with the knowledge that we are called to have a true and real audience with the most Wonderful Father, who welcomes us with open arms, and is ever intently looking, and waiting until we come.
“No other father loves like Thee, no mother ‘ere so mild; bears and forebears as Thou has done with me Thy sinful child.”
“Father of Jesus, loves reward, what rapture it will be; prostrate before Thy throne to lie, and gaze and gaze on Thee.”
In the beginning or our consideration of this prayer, let us never forget that there is a Father whose qualities and love, far exceed all that we could ask or think. And that He is ever (never diminishing) intent on seeing our faces, and hearing our voices. He will never turn us away, and is ALWAYS willing to meet us where we are. He does not give stones for bread, but only that which is good, even the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him. Indeed, what a privilege, honor, and blessing, that the Eternal Father, in Jesus’ name, by the Spirit, gives us audience into His very presence. “Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.” What a wonderful beginning to the honoring and pleasing of God, and the consequent blessing of our souls.
Love, Dad