“Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 2:5
Dear Ones:
In the book of Proverbs, we discover a most simple, yet profound declaration: “As a man thinketh in his heart, SO IS HE.” (23:7) The importance of what we put in our minds, as well as our attitude of heart associated with that content, will determine what we truly are. Paul writes to the believers in Philippi, “Let this MIND BE in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” What is that “mind?” There are four things that we discover in this passage, that pertain to this “mind.” First, it was an attitude concerning Who He (Christ) was, but an understanding that He would not be understood or comprehended. He was God in the flesh, the suffering Savior of the world, but who would truly understand this? The incomprehension of those to whom He came to serve and save, would NOT deter Him from accomplishing His mission. Secondly, He would not seek a “reputation.” The praise or blame of men would never the be standard according to which He would live and die. Thirdly, He deliberately “took upon Him the form of a servant.” Why? One of the greatest expressions of love is that of living to serve God, and one another. To do so, it is essential that the mind of a servant must dominate the whole of the life. God, in referring to Moses, after his death, did not tell Joshua that he was a great man, leader, or deliverer. He said, “Moses, My servant is dead.” Herein is greatness, lowliness, and meekness. Lastly, the mind of Christ is revealed in that He chose to humble Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.” Christ was absolutely devoted to His Father, and in taking human flesh, He chose to demonstrate such love by absolutely submitting to the Father’s authority. To do so in the face of proud and arrogant men, he would choose to “humble” himself, preferring to suffer the ridicule and rejection of men, rather than be disobedient to His Father. Herein, in part, is the “mind of Christ” that we are to have, a mind of lowliness, faithfulness, devotion, and that of a servant. It is one thing to learn that we are to have such a mind, but how is it to be known and realized in us?
In every consideration of every subject of Scripture, especially as it pertains to what we are to be to God, to Christ, we always begin with the objective truth of WHO Christ is. First of all, He is the only one who has had such a mind, for He is God. However, the fact that He took upon human flesh, and identified Himself with us in our weakness and frailty, is an encouragement. He, as our faithful High Priest, KNOWS how to meet us, help us in this matter. Secondly, in placing us IN Christ, the Father put us in contact with the Son of God by the Spirit. We are ONE with Him. However, that oneness is only known in our experience, when we specifically appropriate Christ. How? We TAKE Him by faith. WE take His mind, by faith. It is, as the hymn-writer so wonderfully expressed: “O Lord, Thy life is mine, and evermore shall be, hidden in Thee, for NOTHING can untwine Thy life from mine.” Paul declares: “…But we HAVE the mind of Christ.” (1 Cor. 2:16) Christ’s mind, His attitudes, and the strength to think His thoughts after Him, become ours, when we by faith make them to be our own.
Dear Father, You have placed us in Thy Son, and made us absolutely complete in Him. We know that this completeness will be fully expressed one day when we see Him, to be forever with Him. But at present, You have called us to walk by faith, without doubting. And just as you would have us ask Thee for wisdom, and pray in faith without doubting, to receive it, so you would have us to ask for the mind of Christ, and receive it. Strengthen our hearts to take that which is true of us IN HIM, so that we can “…become what we are IN HIM,” those who are, as He is, clothed with His likeness, and having His mind. Meet us in our minds that the world will see the beauty and goodness of God, as Christ dwells in our hearts by faith, to Thy glory. We thank Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad