Praying Truth

Dear Ones: It was said of John Wesley, before he came to faith in Christ, that the idea of justification by faith was not real to him…he could not really grasp it.  A wise brother in Christ instructed him to preach it… until it becomes real.  This he did, and then he saw and grasped…

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The Bottom Line

Dear Ones: We live at a point in time and history, where the occupations and “things” of life are so abundantly numerous,  especially with the advent of computers, internet, and now AI, that we can easily lose sight of “the bottom line.”  I speak of that most common denominator of our existence, that great essential…

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Four Imperatives

Dear Ones: Joshua begins his book in a very deliberate, factually realistic manner:  “Now after the death of Moses, the servant of the Lord…” (Josh. 1:1)  He goes on to write that the Lord then told him, “Moses, my servant is dead, now therefore arise, go…” (v.2)  Most certainly the fact that Moses was no…

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The Unseen Bond

Dear Ones: When Paul wrote that “We walk by faith, and not by sight,” he was speaking of a commitment to the objective truth rather than the “perception” of the eye.  The very term,”walk,” means engagement, action in motion.  We ACT upon that which we believe to be true, and fiercely refuse any notion to…

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The Place of Freedom

Dear Ones: Tyranny is a wretched thing, for not only does it deprive us of all rights and privileges, but exposes us to its consequences of suffering  which are immeasurable.  These tyrants of destruction are sin, self, the world (the system), and Satan.  David, when he was given the choice of “consequences” for a wrong…

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Four Lepers And A Promise

Dear Ones: In the book of 1st Kings: 7:1-8:6, we have an amazing story of how the Lord deals with His people, to show His mercy, and to win their hearts.  The Syrians had laid siege to Israel, and had cut off food the food supply. With famine facing the Israelites, God would intervene through…

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The Indispensable Revelation

Dear Ones: There is an inseparable bond and unity between the objective word, the Bible, and the living Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.  In essence, John brings them together in his gospel by declaring:  “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…(and we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the…

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The Charge

Dear Ones: In our days of democracy and freedom, we are apt almost never to use the term “charge” in our conversation, except as it might apply to a purchase or a sentencing for a crime.  This does not negate the fact that a “charge” from a Biblical standpoint is a most important consideration, for…

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Becoming What We Are

Dear Ones: Throughout history, and even up to our present time, folks are looking for their identity.  The thought is that in finding out the identity, this will ensue meaning and purpose.  One will be more secure “in one’s skin,” because the identity in one sense is the anchor of the soul.  But to find…

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The Sword In The Soul

Dear Ones: The story of the meeting between Simeon, “…a just and devout” man living in Jerusalem, and Mary the mother of Jesus, is a panoramic picture of the grace and mercy of God.  It was when the parents of Jesus brought the baby Jesus into the temple, to present him to the Lord, that…

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