The Point of Contact: The Cross

Dear Ones: Michael Angelos’ portrayal of the creation on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome is a remarkable piece of work.  What is so expressive by the portrayal of this event, when man received life, is the touch of man with the finger of God.  It is in that “point of contact” that…

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The Incalculable Wisdom

Dear Ones: In Isaiah’s great chapter concerning the comfort and consolation of God as it applies to the return of Israel from the exile, there is one message that rings loud and clear:  “…the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.” (Is. 40:5)  What does this mean?  It…

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A Taste Of Heaven

Dear Ones: The Apostle Paul writes that with regard to the true appearance of Christ, that “face to face” meeting which we will have, that we “…NOW see through a glass, darkly.” (1 Cor. 13:12)  Not only is His glory shielded from our eyes, but in essence, we barely see, or perceive Him.  The Lord…

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Chosen To Be A Soldier

Dear Ones: It is one thing to enlist in the armed services.  It is another to be chosen by God to serve as His soldier in the spiritual conflict concerning the coming of His kingdom on this earth, “…as it is in heaven.”  Though there are certain principles that govern both “services,” they are decidedly…

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Much More…In Christ

Dear Ones: It has been said that in the contrast of things, there is great refreshment.  Perhaps no where in Scripture do we see in so few words the eternal perspective of God concerning sin and death, righteousness and life, than in the fifth chapter of Romans when Paul uses the two words, “…much more,”…

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Two Effective Visions

Dear Ones: What is a vision but a perception of things that are, or will be.  In our consideration of them, we put them into two categories, those that are from heaven, and those which come from the hearts and minds of men.  We shall deal with the heavenly type, as those are the ones…

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With Wings As Eagles

Dear Ones: Mighty and very real are the wings of the eagle.  They have been given for flight, but not only for low-level cruising, but for the heights…for soaring.  And here the Christian is called to live…in the heights…by the power of God, believing that He who gave the eagle his wings for the heights,…

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Singular Devotion

Dear Ones: One of the great characteristics of this Life to which we are called to live is that it is eternal.  What does this mean to us?  Certainly, we come face to face with that which will endure, last, never grow old, or fade in its essence or purpose.  Now, contrast that with the…

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Faith’s Simplicity

Dear Ones: How simple is faith?   Someone has said that the Gospel of John is so deep that an elephant can bathe in it, and shallow, safe enough for a child to play in its shallows.  Is this not the case with faith?  We find children in the old testament and the new who had…

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The Shepherd’s Call

Dear Ones: What was the purpose of the Lord giving to David the 23rd Psalm?  Was it not to reveal to us through the insight and experience of David how we can KNOW God?  Throughout Scripture, the Lord in His goodness reveals to us pictures of what it means to know Him, to experience Him. …

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