Shall I Go Up?

Dear Ones: One of the great lessons that David had to learn was to not “…lean unto thine own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5)  We are all apt to walk by sight, and not by faith.  In doing so, we not only demonstrate that we are not trusting God who knows all things visible and invisible, but…

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The Imperative Vision

Dear Ones: Solomon, in writing the book of the Proverbs, wrote:  “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” (Prov. 29:18)  In the days of Samuel, before the people recognized that he “was established to be a prophet of the Lord,” (1 Sam. 3:20), Scripture declares,  “…And the word of the Lord was precious in…

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The Means To Maturity

Dear Ones: In 1 Corinthians 13, the Apostle Paul uses a phrase which has a profound lesson for us with regard to growing, maturing…becoming what we are called to be.  He wrote:  “…when I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child: but when I became a man, I put…

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The Restorer

Dear Ones: David in essence calls Him, the “Restorer of our souls.”   (Ps. 23:3)  In Joel 2:25, the Lord tells Israel:  “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten.”  And then, in a very sad passage, the Lord says:  “But this is people robbed and spoiled…and none saith, ‘Restore.’” (Is.…

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The Fruit of Faithfulness

Dear Ones: In three of the gospels we read the account of the feeding of the five thousand.  There are many things we can take away from studying the account, but one thing is essential to grasp and not let go.   God’s ability manifests itself in our availability, and this, as we faithfully go forward…

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Drawing Near To God

Dear Ones: The logical question that needs to be asked concerning “drawing near to God” is:  How can one draw near to God when Christ is already in the heart by the Spirit, and omnipresent (in every place at all times…)?  James writes:  “Draw nigh to God, and He will draw nigh to you.”  (James…

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In The Spirit On The Lord’s Day

Dear Ones: The book of Revelation was born out of worship, worship in and by the Spirit of God, and specifically “on the Lord’s day.” (Rev. 1:10)  We know that John had been exiled to the isle of Patmos “…for the word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ.”  (v.9)  Though a desolate…

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The Disciple’s Discipline

Dear Ones: In heaven there is no change with respect to God, His nature and character.  And as we glimpse something of the immutable, perfect work of Christ, we see that there is not only ALWAYS a fountain that is open for sin and uncleanness, but there is an unchanging, living (ever fresh) way to…

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Stand Upon Thy Feet

Dear Ones: Ezekiel tells us that he saw “…the likeness of the glory of the Lord.” (Ez. 1:28)  When you read the passage and meditate on what he saw, you can understand his reaction:  “…And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard of one that spake.” Following this revelation, as…

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An Access Like No Other

Dear Ones: The Gospel is a Christ centered, heaven oriented message of truth concerning God’s dealings with man, His ways and perspective, and His objectives.  When we consider this Gospel, we always begin with the “Savior of the world.”  There is no one like Him, and certainly no one who was able to accomplish a…

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