Good Tidings: Beauty For Ashes

Dear Ones: The words “Good Tidings” are wonderful words.  They declare unto us that which is not only wholesome, and intrinsically contributing to the welfare of the recipient, but in this case, the very declaration from God that what He promises He will do.  In Isaiah 40:9, we see the declaration:  “O Zion, that bringest…

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Nebuchadnezzar’s Revelation

Dear Ones: What dominates us?  Paul, in Romans 6, speaks to us of that which has dominion over us.  He states the application of this consideration when he says, “…to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey.” (v.14,16)  “Dominion” means having control over, and this by the…

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The Weightless Disciple

Dear Ones: We all have perhaps a picture in our minds of a fisherman, standing in a boat, on the shore, or in shallow water, casting his net.  The action of that fisherman is very interesting to analyze.  He takes a firm grim on his net, swings it behind him, and then, at the right…

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The Servant’s Secret

Dear Ones: Perhaps one of the great stories of the Bible concerning the transformative power of Christ, is the life of Peter the Apostle.  First called Simon, his name would be changed to Peter (Petros…Rock).  Why?  Because of what Christ would put into him.  When the day of Pentecost came, though already named Peter, the…

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The Measure of Usefulness

Dear Ones: The bond between John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus was an uncommon one.  Not only were they the children of Elizabeth and Mary, who were cousins, but they were both filled with the Spirit, with a passion to do the will of God.  To say the least, they were of a kindred…

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From This Day I Will Bless You

Dear Ones: One of the most marvelous things about Christianity, and faith in God, is that He is NOT like we are.  We can become “as He is,” but He will never become “as we are” in our fallen, and sinful state, except to take flesh and dwell among us.  He carries heaven with Him…

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No Ph Ds

Dear Ones: We live in an age when there is the worship of “knowledge,” and of those who seek to dominate others by such.  Though the knowledge of the truth is necessary, even essential,  in the domain of our work, and in our living, we need to remember that our knowledge is nothing compared to…

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In Quietness and Confidence

Dear Ones: There is nothing in the Christian life that is passive.  We often confuse “peace” with “passiveness.”  When we examine the life of the Lord Jesus, and His ministry on earth, John writes: “…there are also many other things which Jesus did…if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world…

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Praying Truth

Dear Ones: It was said of John Wesley, before he came to faith in Christ, that the idea of justification by faith was not real to him…he could not really grasp it.  A wise brother in Christ instructed him to preach it… until it becomes real.  This he did, and then he saw and grasped…

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The Bottom Line

Dear Ones: We live at a point in time and history, where the occupations and “things” of life are so abundantly numerous,  especially with the advent of computers, internet, and now AI, that we can easily lose sight of “the bottom line.”  I speak of that most common denominator of our existence, that great essential…

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