Will of Steel, Feet of Clay

Dear Ones: There is perhaps no more interesting figure in the Bible beside Christ, than Elijah.  We know little to nothing about him before he comes on the scene as a prophet, at a time of great spiritual darkness, and wickedness in high places.  He was a very striking figure, in appearance, but also in…

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The Heat of Battle

Dear Ones: In this spiritual warfare in which we find ourselves, there are victories and there are casualties.  It can be a vicious struggle at times, as our enemy is a ruthless foe.  However, in every consideration of this conflict, we always begin with our Captain, the victorious Christ.  He has defeated all of our…

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The Warfare

Dear Ones: The call to follow Christ is a call to communion with God.  But it is also a call to follow the Captain into conflict…a very real invisible war.  From the Garden of Eden, to the contesting of Job, to the resisting by Satan in accusing Joshua the High Priest, to the temptation of…

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Peace In My House

Dear Ones: Scripture tells us that our God is a God of peace.  By “peace,” we do not mean passivity.  But we do mean that God gives a blessed calmness of spirit, soul, and body, which is beyond our understanding, and capacity to produce in and of ourselves.  Let’s go back and look at the…

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The Priority of Peace

Dear Ones: In every consideration of any and all subjects pertaining to life, to understand what is not only right and wrong, but also, good and wholesome, we begin with God and Him alone.  We come back again and again to the fact of God existing before creation, and by creations, He alone is the…

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Barbed Wire And A Calm Sea (2)

Dear Ones: In our last devotion, we spoke of the place of the cross in the life of the believer.  And the point was that, in understanding the significance and meaning of that cross, it is to be “taken up,” or rather, laid hold of, if we are to know the full benefit of it.…

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Barbed Wire and A Calm Sea

Dear Ones: Years ago in college, we would use a small pamphlet when witnessing to students.  It was called The Four Spiritual Laws.  The first law was, “God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.”   Years later I heard a brother say, “Yes, God has a wonderful plan for your life…a…

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A True Heart

Dear Ones: When God told Samuel that “…man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart,” what did He mean by “the heart?”  What was He looking for in the heart?  From the testimony of David, we know that He first looks for “cleanness of heart,”  “…Create in me a CLEAN heart…

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Sovereignly Led

Dear Ones: When Abraham sent his most trusted, faithful servant, to seek a wife for his son Isaac, he was sending him into “unchartered territory,” to pursue a most daunting task, indeed, an impossible task.  He was to “find” the young woman, who of necessity possessed a quality of character above those around her, one…

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Heavenly Minded

Dear Ones: When we read a passage in Scripture like 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, we are persuaded that the battle field for the Christian is the mind.  “…Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every THOUGHT to the obedience of Christ.”  (v.5)  So, it…

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