Fighting From Victory

Dear Ones: In one of Charles Wesley’s great hymns we find that he had learned the secret of living, and fighting, from the point of a victory accomplished, rather than simply striving to obtain the victory.  Does this make sense?  How is it in this world that can we ever obtain victory if we do…

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Dear Ones: There came a day in the life of D.L. Moody, one of the most renowned and fruitful evangelists in American history, that two elderly women confronted him, and said, “Mr. Moody, the world has yet to see what God will do through a man who is wholly His.”  Moody’s response was very simple…

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The Gifts And The Calling

Dear Ones: If ever there was a clear message concerning the individual’s gifts and calling of God, it is found in John 10:3 where Christ declares: “…He calleth His own sheep by their name, and leadeth them out.” With that individual call comes all that is associated with it, capacities and enablement. (1 Cor. 12:11)…

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Fear’s Antidote

Dear Ones: Fear is an enemy…except when running from a bear, and even then, its dominance might lead to a wrong decision!!  It is amazing that the Bible speaks so much on the matter of fear, and especially in the form of a commandment of God:  “Be not afraid….,” or “Fear not.”  Why is it…

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Coming To The King

Dear Ones: If we are like sheep, the sheep of His pasture, how much do we really grasp of Who the Shepherd truly is?  Every fresh and new glimpse of Christ, should bring us into a deeper, more thankful, and delightful response to His gracious appeals.  Let’s look briefly at Psalmist’s and Paul’s knowledge of…

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The Heavenly Way

Dear Ones: Just before Moses went to be with the Lord, the Lord instructed him to go up into Mount Nebo, and this, in order to “behold the land of Canaan.” (Deut. 32:49).  In spite of the fact that Moses was not permitted to cross the Jordan into the land of Canaan, the land of…

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Praying for the Wind

Dear Ones: I’m sure that we have  all seen how quickly a rising wind can change a tranquil body of water into raging waves, a powerful sea.  What would be the effect if the wind of God blew strongly on our little sea, our lives and those around us? In speaking of the new birth,…

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The Pilgrim’s Practice

Dear Ones: When Abraham “…was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, (he) obeyed; and went out, NOT KNOWING WHITHER HE WENT.” (Heb. 11:8) We know that Abraham went as far as Haran, where he stayed until his father died.  And then, either by remembering the substance…

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Anticipatory Faith

Dear Ones: The psalmist, in Psalm 42, writes concerning his thirst for God, and this in the context of his tears and just simply being overwhelmed by life, “…all thy billows are gone over me.” (v.7)  It sounds a bit like the experience of Jonah when he declared from the belly of the fish, “……

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