Go Forward

Dear Ones: How many are the promises of God with respect to being instructed, and led by Him?  Psalm 25 and 32 are filled with verses which declare this reality.  Why is it then that some times it is so difficult to know the way, to make the right choice?  In all certainty the cause…

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Speak To The Wind

Dear Ones: In Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones (Ez. 37), God tells him to speak the word of God to the dry bones.  They come together, and sinews and flesh came upon them…”but there was NO breath in them.” (v.8)  It is at this point that the Lord commands Ezekiel to “Prophesy…

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Bezaleel Was No Preacher

Dear Ones: A most significant figure in the Old Testament, but one that we almost never talk about, is a man by the name of Bezaleel.  In Exodus 31:1-1-6, we find that God had called him by name, and said, “I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and…

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A Donkey’s Lesson

Dear Ones: One of the most unusual stories in the Bible is found in Numbers 22, when Baalam was saved by a donkey three times, and was even spoken to by the donkey.  You might ask, what is the value in considering this story, and the role of a donkey?  To put the matter into…

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Into The Storm

Dear Ones: Jesus had just finished feeding the five thousand.  In accomplishing this in a most miraculous manner, he had ordered his disciples:  “Give ye them to eat.”  Of course this was impossible…and they knew it.  But then, He commanded that the multitude sit down, and He prayed.  Then the miracle began.  He gave bread…

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Practical Limits

Dear Ones: It is interesting that throughout Scripture, the appeal of God is addressed primarily at our will.  “Whosoever will may come…”  “If any man is willing to do His will, …” “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  This is why Christianity is a very practical matter.  It is not a…

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The Greatest Quest

Dear Ones: The story is told of a young American missionary who went to India to serve the Lord, and who had as a language teacher, a Brahman (Upper Caste Hindu).  The missionary was invariably late to the language study period, and often was not very tidy.  On one occasion, the young missionary asked the…

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Four Rings, Seven Trumpets

Dear Ones: In one of those narratives that is sometimes not understood, we find that David is seeking to bring the Ark of God into Jerusalem on a “new cart.”  It seemed a good idea, and a logical one.  But David had forgotten about four rings on that Ark.  The result of his “good idea”…

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Clean Hands, Pure Heart

Dear Ones: When I was in Bible School, there came a French missionary to speak to us.  She was perhaps one of the best, most fruitful and effective missionaries I have ever met.  After speaking to us of God’s dealings with her, and His work in the ministry to which He had called her, the…

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God’s Newness

Dear Ones: What is it about something “new” that attracts us?  A new house, a new car, a new job…a new arrival in the home, a child…what is it about “newness” that is so exciting, so attracting?  Perhaps the first thing is that it has no past.  It is a thing of the present moment.…

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