“For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required, and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” Luke 12:48
Dear Ones:
The eternal justice of God, and His righteousness, as they relate to this earth, were manifested from the foundation of the world. John wrote this very clearly in the book of Revelation, in speaking of “…the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” (13:8) The Slain Lamb is mentioned because of the coming, and continuing, sin of man. Sin’s consequences, and sole remedy, would come to be revealed in a blatant manner in the crucifixion of the Son of God. Every sin of every man, woman, and child, would have its sole remedy in the sacrifice of this Lamb of God. There would be only one eternal basis, reason, and effective working to deal with the law of sin, its individual manifestations, and the absolute attitude of God in His wrath against it. God’s way of paying for the breach of trust in Him, the independent way of man as opposed to that of God, is singular. For every act, attitude, and inclination of sin, accumulating the just and righteous opposition of God against it, there is but one powerful agent that can remove it, cleanse it from the soul, and meet every requirement of the justice of God concerning it.
We know that God is holy, and thus, perfect. He is also omniscient, in that He knows, sees, and remembers all things. From the foundation of the world, specifically beginning with Adam and Eve, when they sinned against God, God alone could provide a perfect and just way to deal with sin. Otherwise, according to the just nature of the perfect and holy God, man could never be saved, never know God, never be reconciled with God. Sinful man’s existence would then be hopeless, as he would be helpless to avoid and escape the wrath of God. However, because God is Love, just, and merciful, He would provide ONE perfect solution for the issue of sin, the forgiveness from the sentence of guilt associated with it, and the judgment accumulating concerning it. This God would do, “…from the foundation of the world.” The testimony and proof of such a perfect provision, is found throughout the Bible. The whole matter of sin’s judgment, forgiveness and deliverance from it, and a righteous, perfect and complete, standing before a holy God is found in one place, because of one sacrifice, in Christ.
The question then must be asked: “But why a cross, and one dying on it in this manner?” The answer to this question will only be fully known in eternity. It is as McCheyne wrote: “…When I stand before the throne, Dress’d in beauty not my own, When I see Thee as Thou art, Love Thee with unsinning heart; Then, Lord, shall I fully know, Not till then how much I owe.” The cross was necessary to show man just how wretched his sin, and its effects were, and are. On the cross, we see the spotless Lamb of God, suffering and dying, being rejected and cursed by sinful men. There also, we see the Savior of the world saying to the Father, “Forgive, forgive; for they know not what they are do.” (Luke 23:34) If ever there was a way to reveal to men how awfully wretched and wrong sin was, it was a death on a cross. But there is another reason, and it has to do with Jesus’ words: “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.” (Jn.12:32) Here is the pure and spotless Son of God, innocent, without sin or blemish, being lifted up from the earth on a cross, that all can see Him. The reason is just as flagrantly true as the awfulness of sin. It is because He is the ONLY provision of God, in His love for mankind, by which sin can be dealt with. Only by Christ’s death on the cross will every consequence of sin be dealt with.
Dear Father, Show us what Thou hast done for us, and what we owe Thee. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad