“And when He (Jesus) had said this, He breathed on them, and saith unto them, ‘Receive ye the Holy Spirit.'” John 20:22
Dear Ones:
In the book of Genesis, we find, at the creation of man, that “…the Lord God….BREATHED into his nostrils the breath of life.” Almost immediately after the resurrection, when the disciples were gathered together for fear of the Jews, Scripture tells us that “Jesus came and stood in the midst of them.” At this same occasion He “…breathed upon them, and said, ‘Receive ye the Holy Spirit.'” (John 20:22) In the Garden of Eden, by virtue of God breathing into the man “the breath of life,” he became a living soul. There is every reason to believe here that this BREATH was not only the air and oxygen that man needed to live from a physical standpoint, but the very Spirit of God, who gave to him LIFE, eternal life. When Jesus breathes upon the disciples, and tells them to “receive the Holy Spirit,” He is doing the same, as in the creation, but in a new and fresh way. The disciples are true believers by virtue of the the Holy Spirit’s work in and upon them, to bring them to faith in Christ. Here, the Lord Jesus is speaking of the Spirit of Pentecost, the “outpouring” of the Holy Spirit, whereby He comes to LIVE in the heart and soul. The soul truly LIVES by virtue of the Divine Life, Christ, by the Spirit.
We were not there in the Garden of Eden when God breathed into man His Spirit, so we do not know if there was any noise. But from the account of Christ with his disciples, doing the same thing, there seems to have been a quiet solemnity that God’s presence brings. It is true that the day of Pentecost, when the Spirit did come in power, there was the “sound” like a mighty, rushing wind. But breathing is generally quiet, almost imperceptible. Why then is it important to consider this matter? What application does it have for our lives?
The Spirit of God was key in the creation. He is also key in salvation and sanctification. According to Joel, He has been poured out “upon all flesh.” But John tells us concerning the world’s attitude toward Jesus, “…He came to His own, and His own RECEIVED Him not.” (Jn.1:11) God BREATHES upon us, so that we might receive. We receive by breathing. “Breathing” is that attitude, act, and action of believing God, who moment by moment, gives of His Spirit, that we may live. Called to abide in Christ, we are called to LIVE dependent upon Him, to derive all from Him. “Breathing” is that picture of quietly, persistently, receiving from Christ by the Spirit, everything that pertains to this life and godliness. “Breathing” is receiving by faith.
Dear Father, You have breathed into our hearts the breath of Life. The Lord Jesus breathed upon His disciples that they should receive of His fullness by the Spirit. Enable us, not only to open our mouths wide, trusting Thee to fill them, but to open our hearts…consistently, to receive of Christ’s life, His fullness, in order to love and serve Thee. We thank Thee. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad
‘Quietly and persistently receiving from Jesus….’
What a wonderful picture of what it looks like to be filled and equipped by His Spirit to live a godly life.
Now to trust Him to help us be quiet and persistent so that we might receive!