“But now O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay and you our Potter, and all we are the work of your hand.” Isaiah 64:8
When considering the difference between the Creator and that which was created, the disparity is such that man, in the littleness of his mind and heart, can hardly begin to grasp it. To understand the relationship between God and man, God uses certain illustrations in the Scriptures which give us some perspective of the eternal truth, and truths which are steppingstones to be used in faith to understand how God deals with us, and how we are to respond to Him. One of these illustrations is that of a clay jar, or vessel. This illustration is so very applicable because it deals first and foremost with the creation, the clay or earth, from which man was taken. The day that God created man was the day that, not only his body was formed, but he became a living soul. This fact is so very important because in the declaring of it, God revealed that man was not only created in the image of God, but in such a manner that he could know and experience God. We call this communion with God, fellowship with the Father, the Son, by the Spirit. The vessel that man became at this time before Adam’s fall into sin, was one where God was free to communicate to man the blessed fulness of His nature in all of its beauty, glory, and power. Man was filled with the life of Christ, the love of God, and the wisdom and knowledge of God. The very Spirit of God dwelt in man, there being absolutely no cloud, obstruction, or dissonance of perspective, motive, or action. A blessed oneness reigned between the living vessel, and the Life-giving Creator.
When man sinned against God, he died, as God said that he would. It was not an immediate physical death, but the indwelling life of God, which imparted His eternal life to him, departed from his heart. Darkness, due to a lack of the light communicated by the Father, became the experience of man. The oneness that he had known with God, that transparency and symphony of fellowship in all of its beauty and fulness, was lost. Man was still a living soul, but without the life of God by the Spirit. He was lost, wandering, and helpless to change his estate. He was set to remain in that condition unless the Creator provided His solution for dealing with all the sins of man, his sin nature, the Serpent of old, Satan, and the godless world system which would be built upon the passing desires and designs of men. All would be lost unless a Savior would come, by the mercy of God, to save the vessel which had been created for the Master’s use, and blessing. What would need to be done FOR man, lost, helpless, and hopeless, so that he could rise from the ashes being a vessel of dishonor to become one of honor in the sight of God?
The answer would have its beginning before the foundation of the world, and this for the purpose of demonstrating and proving to mankind that there IS a God, and that He is truly an eternal Rewarder of those who seek Him. He has not left man alone, but has, from the very moment that Adam sinned, been reaching out to save man from sin, by drawing him to Himself, giving him he light of the truth that will lead to the only Savior from sin and death, the Lord Jesus Christ. The day that man cries out to God for His mercy and receives the grace of God to repent of his sins, putting his whole trust in Christ to save, is the day when the very honor of God enters the heart of man, for Christ again comes again to dwell in the heart as it was in the beginning. The Potter makes the vessel honorable by His presence and power.
Dear Father, Fill us with Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.