“But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33
Dear Ones:
When Jesus came to this earth, He had no illusions as to what awaited Him. If we go back to the beginning of the Bible, we see again that, before the Fall, the whole of creation (man included), was declared “very good.” After Adam’s disobedience, and the consequent curse, we see the evidence that all had changed. Cain would slay his brother. As Adam and Eve had been put out of the Garden of Eden, so the benevolent, and blessed, presence of God’s goodness, would be “put out” of their hearts. Since that time, the context in which man would be born into this world, and also die, would remain in the state of being “fallen.” That fallen state would be characterized primarily by a certain attitude towards God, that of unbelief, faithlessness, and rebellion. This is where we live today. Why then are we here? What is God’s design and purpose for us in the context of this fallen world in which we live?
It has been said that, “No man is so poor as he for whom no one is praying.” Why would such a statement be made? It is because the believer KNOWS that true blessing, spiritual and eternal, comes from heaven alone. If there are no believing intercessors, how will the blessing of God come into this world, to save us from our enemies, and raise man from the degradation of sin and its effects? Hence, it is imperative that we pray, and believe, for God In Christ is the great Giver of Life, Light, and Love.
When Jesus began with what we call, “The Lord’s Prayer,” He said to pray in this manner: “Our Father, which art in heaven…” Do we stop to grasp what this means? Immediately, we are in essence called to go to heaven, to the very throne of God, to our Father, to have audience with Him, to commune with Him, and to first and foremost, worship the “God of Heaven.” That which follows, from Jesus’ standpoint, is the most natural, and only, way by which the blessings of heaven, COME DOWN to this earth. Though we may not agree entirely with the statement, it was John Wesley who said: “God doesn’t do anything but in answer to prayer.” How important then is it to pray? And, How DO we pray? Once we are before the Father, the prayer is specifically: “…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done.” Why does Jesus instruct us to pray so specifically in this manner? It is because, as the rule and reign of God comes into the hearts and minds of men, the blessings of heaven IN CHRIST come. In this fallen world, prayer is not only the life-line of the believer, but the very conduit through and by which, the spiritual blessings in Christ come to be revealed to, and in men. It is, as the consequent WILL of God is done in this earth, that the greatest GOOD possible is manifested, and magnified. Scripture reveals to us that all that Jesus did was GOOD, for the glory of God, and the true and eternal blessing of men. He was constantly doing good, by word and deed. Our calling is the same, by faith and prayer, to “bring down” the blessings of heaven upon this lost creation. God has not changed over the years, certainly not since the creation. He is still waiting for us to pray, not only in worship of the Father, but to plead with Him that He will work to bring about HIS reign on this earth, in the hearts of men. It is in the doing of His will, that the greatest good will come.
Dear Father, Good and Gracious Father, may we ever see Thee every day as Holy, unique, separate and so high above Thy creation, that the only place we should be is at Thy feet. Anoint us afresh today to worship Thee in Spirit and truth. And give us to pray, believing You for Your kingdom to come increasingly in us, and in the hearts of all for whom You would have us pray. May Your will be done this day in us, in this earth, so that Your name will be honored and glorified, for You are infinitely worthy. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad