“…For You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and have made us kings and priests unto our God…” Revelation 5:9,11
The calling of God is not just for the time in which we live, but carries with it eternal ramifications, or results. With regard to the eternal aspect of everyone’s calling, and the eternal “hope” that is associated with it, it is not just an amplification of what we are called to be and to do on this earth, but an ever-expanding, everlasting manifestation of God’s glory revealed in individual lives, peoples and nations. The present calling of God carries with it an “eternal weight of glory,” which belongs wholly and forever to God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. In light of the inheritance in Christ of every believer that is to be revealed, what then is the importance of the present revelation to our own hearts of God’s purposes, provision, and power to believe Him for the full outworking of His will on this earth? Is not the importance and significance of the calling impressed upon us by the sight of the Son of God dying on Calvary, taking the judgment for the sins of the entire world upon Himself? Is not that purpose amplified by the realization of God’s individual calling of every believer by name, that personal work by the Spirit to convince the sinner of his sin, and then showing him the only solution for it in Christ, being received by the cry of the heart of faith, appealing to the mercy of God? The believer in Christ, born of the Spirit, at the moment of the new birth, has only just begun to discover the riches of Christ, and the completeness, and fulness of the salvation that He has won for us. However, it is to this end that the Gospel has been given, not only to provide a “way” to God by Christ, but to KNOW the living, saving Christ, by the Spirit.
In heaven the whole host of believers and angels will one day see the glorified, slain lamb of God, come to the Father to receive a book, which is His “title deed,” the very settled, written confirmation in heaven of the greatness, and completeness, of the revelation of the Christ’s work of redemption, from before time throughout eternity. For this the slain, glorified Lamb shall be worshiped. This Lamb will soon thereafter be seen as the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, the glorious Conqueror of all His enemies, eventually creating a new heaven and a new earth. But in the interim, what are we to be, and how are we to be it, and this for His glory and honor?
The book of Malachi is the last book in the Old Testament, preceding a period of approximately five hundred years between the writings of the prophets to the unveiling of John the Baptist who would announce Christ’s coming. In that book great care is taken by God to reveal to us how the priests of that day had a calling but had neglected it. Their example, role, and purpose, was to represent the people before God, offer sacrifices to God for them, which should have been acceptable acts of worship. However, their concept of honoring God above all else was so flawed, twisted, and debased, that they did not seek to offer Him the best and the highest. They no longer gave to God their all, worshipping Him for what and who He truly was, the Creator and Redeemer. Their sacrifices were blemished, lame, and sick. Only by a renewed vision of “the Great King, the Lord of hosts,” would His name be again feared in Israel, and among all nations.
The call to repentance, to a right thinking of God, and the humbling of oneself to God, was essential for cleansing, and restoration of the priests. If we would honor God as His priests today, we must clean and consecrated before Him.
Dear Father, Strengthen us to worship. In Jesus’ name, amen.