Dear Ones:
Christ’s mission began before the foundation of the world. The “design” of that mission was, from a human standpoint, very intricate, and impossible to realize. When one looks at the point of beginning, the creation, and then looks at Christ on the cross declaring, “It is finished,” one is transfixed and overwhelmed at the magnitude of it all. We go from the “glory that the Son knew with the Father,” before the creation, to the point of feeling the full import of being “forsaken” by His Father on the cross, to that moment when He rose from the dead, and again knew the fullness of fellowship with His Father. If there is one thing that this “story” tells us, it is that God is One God, Almighty, and will do exactly as He has promised. With respect to us, it all boils down to this: Jesus loves us…Jesus loves me, and the whole world. The question then must be asked: Then, why am I here, what is my purpose? And how am I to truly live?
The Mission of Christ was to save lost humanity, as He died for all men. Our mission is the same, except that it was not us who have accomplished the work of salvation on the cross…that is uniquely Christ’s work, perfect and holy. But, we have entered into His objective, His mission. He came to seek and save that which was lost…to minister, not to be ministered to. He came to, not only bring humanity back to God, but to put God in the heart of humanity. Where once God chose Israel to be the means by whichHe would declare His salvation to the world, He now has expanded that “voice” by the means of the living Church, His Body. The incarnation, when Christ took upon Him human flesh, and dwelt among us, has now in a very real sense, been realized in His church. He has come to dwell, to live in the hearts and minds of His children, who together form His church. His mission was once singular, in that He was alone. Now, it has broadened. He is in His church by His Spirit, in order to reach the entire world with the message by His “Means.”
What is His “Means” by which He will bring “others which are not of this fold?” It is simply, “…by My Spirit.” We often fail to grasp that the Spirit OF God, the Spirit OF Christ, is GOD THE SPIRIT. He has not changed one iota from the time of the creation, to the time Christ was born, anointed, died, and rose from the dead. His power is undiminished, and His love is perfectly the same yesterday, today, and forever. How can we ever expect to fulfill the purposes, the will of God, if we do not walk by the Spirit, live by the Spirit, reign in life by the Spirit? The call of God to fellowship with Him, is a call to be led by, and filled with, the Spirit. “All in Christ, BY the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God, all else is nothing.”
So, what is the dominant motive that we are to have in the knowing and the fulfilling of the mission, by the means of the Spirit? Again, it is a very simple answer…love. “Do you love Me?” Such were the words of Christ to Peter. “You have left your first love.” Such were the Lord’s words to the Ephesian church. Christ’s words concerning Mary choosing to sit at His feet to hear His words, were: “…Mary hath chosen that good part which will not be taken away from her.” What is He talking about here? He is speaking about personal devotion to a Person, His Person…singular loyalty and worship. Our service for Christ must never go beyond our personal love for Christ. One can be so caught up in the service that one forgets the first thing, to BE His, to worship and adore Him.
Dear Father, grant us a clear vision of our mission, our part in this great enterprise of the Great Commission. Enable us to grasp the “means” for the realization of that vision, ever strengthening us by the Spirit to look heavenward for all that we have in Christ. And, dear Lord, enable us to love Thee in an ever-increasing, deepening manner, so that the world may KNOW that Thou art love and life. We thank Thee in the Lord Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad