“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Chrit sitteth on the right hand of God.” Colossians 3:1
What is the difference between those things “above” and those which are of this earth? If we look at creation, under the curse of God because of Adam’s sin, we catch only a slight glimmer of the glory of heaven. Paul writes concerning that which is on earth by saying: “For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.” (Romans 8:22) Even if we cannot grasp the full extent of the meaning of this verse, we do understand that the present creation, because of sin, is a place of languishing, need, and ceaseless working and effort to stay alive. With regard to the inhabitants of earth, Paul writes of those who do not know Christ, as existing in the “…bondage of corruption.” Fallen, unsaved man, though he may not perceive it be so, is a prisoner of the corruption of his own heart and sinful nature. The “world,” as a system under the control of the evil one, exerts such an influence and power over him, that he is also rendered its prisoner. The wonderful news of the Gospel is that there is not only a way to escape, and vanquish the enemy within and without, but there is a glorious new creation, the escape from the “the power of darkness,” and a translation into the kingdom of God’s dear Son. (Col. 1:13) The sinner who has truly repented and believed by crying unto God for His grace, is that one who is bought, sealed, and perfected in the Lord Jesus Christ. This new creation that has miraculously come to be exists by the power of God. But how is this new creature in Christ to live in the context of this world, with our enemy Satan, roaming about like a lion seeking whom he may devour? The answer lies in heaven!!!
During the ministry of Christ, he confronted Peter at one point concerning the building of His church. In speaking to him of this, He told Peter: “And I will give thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” (Matt. 16:19) It is very apparent from the Lord’s words, that the effect of what occurs in heaven, from an authoritative standpoint, has a very real manifestation and realization on the earth. The Lord also makes it clear that as certain things occur on this earth because of this same authority, there is an eternal, unchanging reality that is realized in heaven, to the glory of God. It is partially for this reason that the Apostle Paul, in writing to the Colossian believers of the Majesty, Victory, and Perfect Work of redemption by the Lord Jesus, now seated at the right hand of the Father, is seeking to bring all believers to see that their great pursuit of seeking first the kingdom God, can be realized as they seek everything in Christ, setting of oneself in expectant faith, to see it realized on the earth.
Paul begins with the eternally true and complete work of Christ that He accomplished on the cross, with the repercussions of that work by the Father towards the believer. Paul speaks of forgiveness of sins, and redemption’s work of being buying the sinner out of the slave market of sin and death. But then he reveals that the Father has placed every believer into a living union with Christ. The sinner has died with Christ, the old man of sin buried, and the new man, by the Spirit, is raised up with Christ, seated with Him in heavenly places. It is to the right hand of the Father, that the believer is to come to Christ, seeking everything in Him for the manifestation of His glory on earth as in heaven. Thus, God’s will can be done on earth, and men can know God.
Dear Father, Enable us to seek all in the Lord Jesus today, that Your kingdom will come in the hearts of men. In Jesus’ name, Amen.