“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30
Dear Ones:
In the “modern” day in which we live, we have a tendency to believe that, as so much is automatic and automated in the physical realm, so it must be in the spiritual realm. There is also the idea, sometimes in Christian circles, where we think that we are entitled to certain things from God, and that, He will give them without being sought. On both of these scores, we are wrong, and that, to our detriment, and certainly not for the glory of God. So, let’s begin with the issue of actively seeking God. Why is this necessary? It has to do with the responsible answer of man to the overtures of God. How many times does the Lord speak of “thirst” in the Bible, a thirst that should result in our seeking, and finding God according to His promises? Another “overture” is not only God drawing out our hearts to him by desiring Him, but also the conviction that He brings about in our hearts and conscience, by which we are moved, and stirred up, to call upon Him. And lastly, in the matter of circumstances and reason, God brings us to see that we are very little, and helpless, with regard to enormity and power of creation. Out of the knowledge of the consciousness of need, there is the call of God to look heavenward for an Answer, and Resource, that is greater than we are, which alone can meet the need. Why do we mention these matters with regard to “seeking God?” It is simply because, it is a fact, that God can be FOUND. What are the ramifications of this fact?
In the book of Isaiah, he writes: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is NOT shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” (59:1) What is he saying here? He is declaring in the simplest terms that God can be found, and that He is fully able to save, because He can hear the call of the heart. Why then do people not seek Him, and find Him? Maybe it has to do with someone who needs to pray, a person who needs to stand in the gap between the lost and needy person, and God. In Ezekiel 22:30, we find that the Lord SEEKS such a man. In Isaiah 59:16, we read where, “…He (the Lord) saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor.” One of the great means and ways of God by which He reveals Himself to our hearts, and intervenes in the lives of others, is by prayerful intercession, that pleading with God for that person, or people. By definition, the intercessor is that person who decisively interposes himself between the needy person and God, there to seek God, and find Him, FOR and on behalf of that person. Is success promised and assured to the intercessor who does such? We defer to the heart of God for the answer: “I have spread out My hands all the day unto a rebellious people…” (Is. 65:2) God is not willing that ANY should perish. But perhaps the greatest evidence and certainty that the role of an intercessor is not only valid, but effective, is found in the example of the Lord Jesus. In Hebrews 7:25, we find that, “…He (the Lord Jesus) is able also to save them to the uttermost that come to God by Him, seeing He EVER LIVES to make intercession for them.” Additionally, the Holy Spirit, “…makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.” (Romans 8:27)
Dear Father, open our eyes to see our calling to be intercessors, Your men and women, who WILL stand in the gap, for others in need. Give us grace to faithfully do so. We thank and praise Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad
A simple but profound call to believers at such a time as this. Once again, Christ goes before us and is our model in intercession. So very thankful for the privilege.