“God…has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son.” Hebrews 1:2
Dear Ones:
Perhaps the greatest statement that has ever been made is this: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son…” (Jn. 3:16) With regard to the entirety of recorded history, how can we make such a declaration? The answer lies in the first two verses of the letter to the Hebrews. There we find where God spoke “unto the fathers by the prophets.” This is remarkable in and of itself, that the eternal God would “speak” to men, specifically, to Israel. But where the weight and significance of the answer to the question lies, we look at what is written concerning the Son: “…Whom He (the Father) has appointed heir of ALL things, BY WHOM also He made the worlds.” (v.2) We have put before our eyes the picture of the eternal Creator of the “worlds,” the universe, who chooses to redeem and save mankind from sin and death, both physical and eternal. This He will choose to do by the only means His holy, just, and loving nature can dictate…the giving of His Son, that which is most precious to Him. If the Father will make him the heir of all things, with all things put under His feet, then “…thou shalt make His soul an offering for sin.” (Is.53:10) The Son will be rejected by those He came to save, and yet, would not turn aside from bearing the guilt, condemnation, judgement for the sin of the entire world. Why? Because He cannot deny who and what He is…LOVE, a Love that is not of this world. What is to be the proper, and “right” response to such love? There is but one acceptable response before this God and Father of the Lord Jesus, and it is that of FAITH, receiving the “gift of God” ALONE. To receive this salvation is one thing. To grasp something of its greatness, and to pursue the possession of it in its fullness, is quite another.
How then do we obtain a “vision,” or perception, of its greatness, or rather, the greatness of Christ? To answer the question, we begin with a statement that John the Baptist said concerning the Lord Jesus: “…but one mightier than I comes, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose.” (Luke 3:16) The greatness of the salvation of Christ begins with the consideration of the Son’s worth. John the Baptist saw this. We see this also in the apostle John’s vision in heaven of the slain Lamb of God, who alone is “worthy” to take the book. (Rev. 5) The worth of Christ’s life resides in His shed blood, precious and powerful in the sight of the Father. It is so precious, that nothing exceeds its worth, and so powerful that it can cleanse the entire world of sin. What then was the key element of the worth of Christ’s life to the Father? Again, it was a LOVE that is not of this world. It manifested itself in a joyful devotion to the Father, a loyalty which knew only one limit, the knowledge and obedience to the will of the Father. When Christ cried out on the Cross, “It is finished,” it was for the Father primarily that the work of salvation was done. The intended repercussions of that work, so vast and perfect, were to be realized in those Christ came to save. Not only would the Son justify many, but He would do so by perfectly dealing with sin, then coming to dwell in the heart, satisfying or filling the soul with Himself by the Spirit.
Dear Father, open our eyes to see the greatness of the Lord Jesus, heir of all things, who alone is worthy to save us all. Deal with all our sins every day, ever filling us with Thy Spirit, for Thy glory. We thank Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad