“For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:12
Dear Ones:
There is that of heaven and that of earth. There is that of God and that of man. The difference between the two is like the night being different from the day, light from darkness, and fruitfulness (life) from barrenness (death). Why is it so? It has to do with the nature, worth, quality, and dominating characteristics of each. If we look into heaven as John, Isaiah, Daniel, and Ezekiel did, we see something that is indescribably different from earth. Truly we have not the vocabulary, nor the capacity, to grasp and understand what we “see,” or perceive. It is too vast, great, pure, bright, overwhelming and all eclipsing in every way. If we turn our gaze upon the earth, the spectrum of light with which we see the physical world, reveals to us things we can, in some measure, understand and grasp. Though man writes and expounds upon that which he sees and knows, there is a major flaw in the subject of his consideration, and also, in the heart of the one looking upon that subject. Ever since the day that Adam sinned, and fell from that blessed position of perfect fellowship with God, the “creation” has been subjected to the “bondage of corruption.” Adam, and his descendants, were a part of that corruption. Adam’s descendants would be born with a bias in their hearts, a law of sin and death, which would not only take them downward, but which would skew their vision of the glory of God. What then would be the intervention of God in this circumstance, where man was so very limited, bound in sin, with not the capacity to change his nature or destiny? It would be by a Gospel, one that had its origin in heaven, conceived by the Creator and Redeemer Himself. It would only be by the design of the Eternal Savior, and the consequent proclamation of this Gospel, that the wisdom of God would be revealed, and the power of God given, so that man could be born again by the Spirit.
When the angel of the Lord came to the shepherds to announce that he was bringing them “good tidings of great joy,” (Lk. 2:10) he was speaking of that which, from heaven’s standpoint, corresponded perfectly with the nature, purpose, and design of God the Father. This “gospel” would be altogether good, and perfect, with not one fingerprint of sinful man upon it. It’s power resided in the One who designed it, and who now was proclaiming it. What was the essence of this heavenly gospel? “For unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” (v.11) What is it about this news that is so extraordinary, so other-worldly? It is that the Almighty God, the Wonderful Counselor, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace, has come to earth to intervene in the lives of “all people.” The announcement of this One who is to come, is the declaration that God has provided an eternal Hope and Assurance for man. In addition, this living Hope and Power, would come to dwell in the heart of the believer. It is this Christ, this Savior of all men, who comes to dwell in the heart by faith alone.
Dear Father, Open our eyes to see the Lord Jesus in His beauty, power, and love. Enable us to truly understand this blessed gospel in order to “live by the faith of the Son of God,” receiving all that his blessed life provides, for His glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad