“Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, By a new and living way, which He hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, His flesh…” Hebrews 10:19
How can a sinner, one that has been saved by the grace of God, come into the presence of the Almighty, and holy God, and this, with assurance that he or she is accepted before God; not only that, but that the believer is accepted as a child of God, justified, declared holy, perfect, and complete before God? The answer lies in what God has created, set up, and established for time and eternity in what is called a covenant. What is a covenant, specifically a covenant of God, and then with God?
In its simplest form, by definition, a covenant is, “… a compact or agreeement between two parties binding them mutually to undertakings on each other’s behalf.” (Baker’s dictionary of Theology) However, when we come to the realm of the covnenant of God, and that which He has established with respect to men, we enter into another dimension, for we immediately are faced with that which is eternal. How does this apply to the matter of assurance before God?
The first thing we need to see is that God alone has taken the initiative towards man to bring him into a living fellowship with Himself, a spiritual communion in the name of Jesus Christ, by the Spirit. He has done this not only by drawing the heart of man to Him, and revealing Himself to man by His creation, but also, and primarily in the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. He then has unveiled to man a series of covenants that He has created, which He will fulfill. What are these covenants? They are the very basis for man’s response to God, and that assurance that man can have coming to God, being at peace with God.
The second thing to note is that these covenants consist of two parts, the first of which is the revelation of what God will do in dealing with man. These are declarations of truth concerning Himself, but also promises, verbal commitments that are backed by His perfect holiness and power. All through Scripture we find the short phrase, “…the word of the Lord came..” God speaks to man, through men by the Spirit according to the Scriptures, so that man might respond in faith and obedience. This manner of dealing with man is unique to God alone, for that which sets Him apart from the entirety of His creation and men, is the fact that He is God, and there is none other. Being God, He is faithful, in that He will fulfill perfectly all that He has promised. He will, according to His word accomplish all of His purposes for His glory. In speaking to men, revealing to them His will and power, He provides to man a way to know Him, for man can only do so as He receives from God that which God reveals to him. God commits Himself to man by His word, then works according to that word. Man comes to know God as he receives the word of God, the word of commitment and truth, believing God, and obeying Him.
Thirdly, the nature of the covenants of God with man are eternal covenants. They are not for just the past and present, but have eternal effects. Those effects begin to be seen and known “on earth as it is in heaven,” as man enters by faith into a covenant with God. The “eternal” aspect of these covenants begins to reveal itself in the new hearts and lives of men.
The Old and New Testaments, or covenants, had their fulfillment in Christ. Scripture tells us that the believer only has assurance before God, coming to God, if he comes “…by the blood of Jesus.” The covenant in Christ’s blood, and the Father’s gift of the Spirit, His anointing and fulness, are essential for strength to come in faith.
Dear Father, Cleanse us entirely; fill us wholly. Jesus’ name, Amen.