“And he said, ‘I will not let you go, except You bless me.'” Genesis 32:26
Dear Ones:
In considering the subject of the blessing of God, we must first realize that throughout Scripture God’s blessing is for the individual, as well as the nation. For Jacob, we find that in his moment of great distress, and apparent peril, he “…was left alone.” (Gen. 32:24) It would be in his aloneness with God that God would work in him, in order to meet his need. And yet, time and again, we see how God addresses His people, the nation of Israel, desiring to bless them. But, what IS the blessing of God? Also, how does the subject of God’s blessing apply concretely to our lives?
Paul, in his letter to the believers in Ephesus, wrote: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who HAS BLESSED US with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (1:3) Here we find that the essence of “blessings” is that favorable, unlimited and incalculable, contribution by God of all that is good and holy in Christ. The fact that He “blesses” us is that very act of God whereby, not only do these riches IN Christ are made available to us, but He works and moves in our hearts and minds to receive them, and live by them, ever thankful for them. It must immediately be said that the blessings of God are very numerous, diverse, and applicable. Jacob’s specific need for blessing resided in the fact that he thought his brother Esau was going to kill him, and his family. But perhaps the greater need for “blessing” was found in his crisis of faith. Often Jacob would revert to declaring that God was the God of his fathers. It is when the angel of the Lord wrestles with him, and changes his name, that we recognize that Jacob has changed. God answered his prayer, and he was blessed.
Do we truly believe that, not only have we been fully and completely blessed in Christ with all spiritual blessings, but that all in Christ is at our disposition? It is as we seek God, and those things which are above, where Christ sits at the right hand of God, that we can receive His blessing by faith. If God declares that He will bless us, will we truly and whole-heartedly believe Him? Such was the case of Israel when she had stopped rebuilding the temple after the exile. Outward resistance by her enemies had caused her stop. It would be after ten or fifteen years of delay, that the Lord would begin to work profoundly in the hearts of the people, in accordance with the preaching of Haggai and Zechariah. The vision of GOD’s will and purpose, and commitment, would be revealed to the people: “Therefore thus saith the Lord; I AM returned to Jerusalem with mercies; My house shall be built.” (Zech. 1:16) For this to occur, faith would need to lay hold on God’s faithfulness. Haggai would write the Lord’s word of commitment to the people: “…from THIS DAY I will bless you.” (2:19) The blessing of God was available. The moment had come for Israel to BELIEVE God, to rise up and build the temple, even in the face of opposition.
Dear Father, give us to be those who truly SEE the blessings of God in Christ, and seek them, that Thy kingdom will come on this earth. Enable us to be, as Jesus was, “…about My Father’s business,” in Spirit and truth, believing in the present blessing of God, for His glory. We thank and praise Thee in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad