Dear Ones:
We live at a point in time and history, where the occupations and “things” of life are so abundantly numerous, especially with the advent of computers, internet, and now AI, that we can easily lose sight of “the bottom line.” I speak of that most common denominator of our existence, that great essential which is the bedrock of the meaning of life, the true, experiential relationship with God by Jesus Christ.
In Matthew 1:20, we find “the angel of the Lord” speaking to Joseph, the espoused of Mary. He instructs Joseph concerning the child, Jesus…”Thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins.” John the apostle would later write similarly: “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29) The point is this, regardless of all the “advancements” of culture and civilization, all the “things” that we are occupied with, and the “objectives” that we might have in life, …if something is not done BY GOD concerning our SINS against God, then, not only will our life count for nothing, but we will remain under the wrath of God. No amount of culture, possessions, family ties, or education, can deliver us from the consequence of unforgiven sin. The child of Bethlehem came to deal with sins…all of them. Why? Because of the holy nature of God, which will judge sin…every last one. Christ came to “…to become sin for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” He came to remove the guilt, the judgement and the condemnation, the rejection and consequently, death, that always accompanies sin. He was born to take the sin of the entire world upon Himself, to be stricken in our place, that we might not be judged. The bottom line is this…Christmas is about Christ, a Savior who came into the world in a most lowly, and humble fashion, in order to become the “Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” On this side of Calvary, so greater should be our response than that of the wise men when they found the child, the Lord Jesus. They “fell down and worshipped Him.” (Matt. 2:11) They were overwhelmed with the sight, for they KNEW they had been led by God to the very place where they would witness “The King of the Jews.” Though the sight be a simple one, and there be no fanfare of shouting and commotion, yet, there in the quietness of that moment, three men came face to face with the “Savior of the world,” the King of the Jews. They are overwhelmed, and thus they worship. They are overwhelmed, and thus, they give.
If we have grasped anything of the true significance of Christmas, the bottom line, then we too will fall at His feet…feet which were pierced for us. Then, there we will worship, and declare unto Him, “…Here Lord I give myself away (to Thee), t’is all that I can do.”
Love, Dad