“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free…If the Son therefore shall set you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:32,36
Dear Ones:
There is but one message of hope that God has for this world, and it is the Gospel. Why? Because in it is expressed the truth about our existence, condition, and the nature, ways, and purpose of God. It is the proclamation of God’s way of meeting man’s essential need, indeed, every need. Without this knowledge of the truth, we will live in the “darkness” of sinful men’s ideas, and speculations. God is the absolute truth. This is why Jesus would say, “I AM THE TRUTH.” In this declaration there is the absolute, and unchangeable assumption, that since He IS the truth, then, all that He says is truth. Compare this with what man says is truth. And then, let us ask ourselves the question: “Am I willing to stake my entire existence (…mon raison d’etre…my reason for living) and eternity, on what men say as opposed to what God declares to be the eternal truth?”
Truth sets us free from the lie, falsehood, and deception of our enemy, Satan, and that which is expressed from the heart of sinful man. Jesus ONLY works according to the truth, never according to the lie. He cannot contradict or deny Himself, nor what He declares. It is for this reason that He will meet men in the depths of their hearts and souls, only according to the truth that the person chooses to believe. This is why, in our consideration of God, and His intervention in our lives, we always begin with responding to the words: “Have faith in God.” (Mark 11:22) “…Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you shall be saved, and your house.” (Acts 16:31) So, the choice is so very clear…we either choose to believe God, Jesus Christ, or we choose to believe Satan and sinful man. For each choice there is an eternal, and temporal, consequence and result.
Paul tells us concerning the gospel of Christ: “… it is the POWER of God unto salvation to every one that BELIEVES.” (Romans 1:16) Why is it the power of God? Because by the truth revealed in the Gospel, the Lord Jesus works to save, deliver, heal, and cleanse. Christ becomes the very power of God according to the truth of the Gospel, working in and through us. It was G. Campbell Morgan who wrote: “God rides best in His own chariot.” Of what “chariot” does he speak? It is the truth of the Gospel…for in it is revealed the righteousness of God. Therefore, Paul declares: “The just (righteous) person shall LIVE by faith,” in the faithfulness of the immutable, holy character, nature, and person of God in Christ.
Dear Father, we thank Thee that the bedrock for faith is the absolute truth, as revealed in the gospel. We thank Thee also that the saving power of Christ is known, and experienced, as a result of believing Thee according to Thy eternal truth. Please give us grace this day, this moment, to trust Thee fully and forever. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad