“Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?'” Isaiah 45:9
In the forty-fourth and forty-fifth chapters of the book of Isaiah in the Bible, we find mentioned a man by the name of Cyrus. His coming upon the stage of history was proclaimed through the prophet Isaiah approximately one hundred and fifty years before he actually became the great king of his time. He left his imprint on history because of his conquests, somewhat benevolent reign, and the general good that he did towards those in his realm. History treats him well as he was good to most peoples, in particular those who yielded to his authority. However, the great purpose for Cyrus’ coming was to demonstrate to the then known world that God had foreordained him to be born, and to rise to become a great king over nations. God chose him to accomplish His purposes, especially with regard to the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the laying of the foundation of the second Temple there. With regard to the manner by which Cyrus rose in his conquests, and extensive reign, all having been promised in the word of God by God Himself, God intended that the world would recognize that he had been called by God, set apart for God’s purposes, but also would be the recipient of God’s power, blessing, and authority. The prophet Isaiah would write down God’s words to this effect when he said: “I am the Lord, and there is no God beside Me. I will gird you, though you have not known Me, that they may KNOW from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the Lord, and there is no other.” (45:5,6) Cyrus’ rise to power, with the immense blessing of God upon his reign, and his influence over the then known world to a great extent, was so that men throughout the world would recognize the hand of the true and living God, turn to Him, and be saved. All through the forty-fifth chapter of Isaiah we are confronted again and again with the fact that the Lord is Creator, Sovereign, Holy, the great Provider and Keeper, and Deliverer. He raised up Cyrus in this particular way, declaring many years before his was born, that all this would occur, in order to get the attention of as many men as possible, that they would repent of worshiping their idols, and turn to Him the true and living God, and be saved, coming to know the promise of “everlasting salvation.” At this point, we need to ask ourselves the question, “Why is it so difficult for men to see this, and recognize not only the historical record of God’s dealings with Cyrus, the nation of Israel at the time, but with the whole world?” The answer lies in the ground, and what is found there. It is called CLAY, a very fine material which can be molded into something beautiful, and useful, IF it will yield itself to the wisdom and authority of the Divine Potter. The answer is in the clay, and whether the clay will accept what it IS according to the word and will of God.
Throughout Scripture the Lord uses the truth of man’s fragility, weakness, and ultimate end of his death to speak of his need to know God and live for Him. He speaks to the heart of men concerning their true need which is a desperate one, one where he is lost, helpless, and powerless to change himself, to deliver himself from sin and death. But in that revelation of the truth of man, God gives us the illustration of the Divine Potter who desires to take the “clay,” that very rudimentary essence of man, cleanse it, empty it of all that is idolatrous and false concerning God, in order to mold it into an honorable vessel, clean, and filled with the goodness of God. God has not spoken in secret about this but has proclaimed throughout the ages the absolute reality of it.
Dear Father, Lead us to Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.