“God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.” Psalm 46:5
In the letter to the Hebrews, in the last chapter, we find a very short statement concerning the eternity of Christ. The author writes: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (13:8) In that statement is revealed the eternal bedrock for faith, a bedrock and foundation, which will never change, regardless of the small or great changes on earth, and in the lives of men. Jesus Christ came into this world, not only to accomplish what was essential for the salvation of men, but to give them, us, a knowledge of Himself, so that by His grace we can live lives of trusting Him for all, and forever. Of all things known to man, seen and heard, even experienced, there is none other than Christ who possesses the absolute, immutable nature, and eternal motive and authority of His love, to provide for every man who is willing to trust Him, an eternal hope, and present help. Though He be eternal, and at the right hand of the Father, yet the “river” of which the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 46, is that source of joy, certainty, and stability of the soul. This is because it is not only powerful, and all-encompassing in and of itself, but because of where it is located in proximity to man. To the believer in Christ today, that one who has been born of the Spirit, the eternal Christ by His Spirit dwells, not only around and before the believer, but within him. It is for this reason that the Psalmist proved and lived by faith this blessed reality. Because of God’s active proximity to man, he shall not be moved. (v.5) It is as the believer’s vision of Christ in His power and authority, and the greatness of His love, increases, that faith can lay hold upon Him for more and more. As the demands of life and service increase, bringing with them the weight of reverent responsibility, that the God of all grace unveils increasingly not only His willingness to carry every burden, but to strengthen the soul to cast all upon Him. This is so clearly seen when the Lord Jesus took the burdens of sin for all men unto Himself on the cross, there to endure the wrath of God against sin. The fact that He bore such judgment, so that we would not, is the great evidence that on this side of Calvary, the Resurrection, Ascension, and the outpouring of the Spirit at Pentecost, that Christ remains the willing, and Absolute Bearer of the burdens of believers today. Such is the reason why the Apostle Peter would admonish all believers by saying: “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting ALL your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:6,7)
There is far more involved with the revelation of Christ as the eternal Rock than the matter of casting all care upon Him in storms of life, and times of great calm. This has to do with the perpetual provision of Christ as our Life. From the moment of the new birth, everything changed for the believer in the sight of God. So many things were accomplished by Christ on the cross, and His victory over all His enemies, so that man could, and would be saved. The Eternal Rock became in that moment, and since then, the very Life of the believer, that well-spring of Life. In that Life was power, love, and soundness of mind and soul. The new creation was one revealed in union with Christ by His Spirit, forever and inseparably one, so that from the eternal Living Vine, every branch could receive of His Life and blessing. The blessing of knowing this Eternal Rock is the knowledge of this King Eternal, immortal, invisible God. It is a knowledge not only of truth, but of overcoming power and strength to believe, love, and serve Him faithfully.
Dear Father, Fill us with Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.