“The meek will He guide in judgment; and the meek will He teach His way.” Psalms 25:9
It was written of Moses that He was the most meek man in the earth in his day. The Lord Jesus even said of Himself, “…I am meek and lowly of heart.” Why is this matter of meekness so very important, especially as it relates to guidance, specifically, guidance from Above? It is because God, apart from taking one firmly by the hand, or crowding him into a position of submission, seeks to guide and lead those who are not only teachable, but willing to follow Him. It has been said that receiving guidance from God is not difficult; WE are difficult. Just think about it. The Father gave the Son to save every soul, and this at an incalculable price, from a human standpont. One aspect of that salvation which is so very important is the matter of being led by the Spirit, or guided by the Spirit into those paths of righteousness, for Christ’s sake and glory. How important then is it for a child of God to be led by the Spirit of God? It is as important as salvation is real. If man would truly glorify God according to his calling, and gifts, and capacities from God, then he must be led by God in order to walk with God. In addition to this, how will man enter into those works which God has preapared before the foundation of the world, if he is not willing to be led? How shall the power and love of God be revealed in and through the believer who is not willing to go where God would have him go, and serve where He would have him serve? Guidance is more than just being told to go somewhere, or do something, or be something. Guidance is the direction that one takes, in response to the Spirit’s leading, that the glory of God should be revealed on this earth, as it is in heaven. It is also a testimony of faith to the world that God lives, and works in the hearts of those who will truly trust and obey Him.
If ever there was an example of someone who had to learn the meaning and necessity of guidance, it was David. Almost from the day that he was anointed by Samuel to be the king of Israel, he was confronted with resistance to the fulfillment of his calling. Rejected as an enemy, and pursued by King Saul, his life several times was in imminent danger. The intensity of these situations, when he could lose his life if caught, drove David to pursue God in a very deliberate, and certain manner. He would inquire of the Lord concerning the direction he should take. This would apply not only to where he should live and what he should do, but also, concerning if he should go up to battle in a certain place at a certain time. David learned to interpose the Lord Jesus Christ between him and the circumstances that surrounded him. His objective was not only to escape with his life, but above all, to bring great glory to God, as God’s leading was revealed. As a result of his confidence in God guiding him, he would accept nothing less than victory. It must be added also, that when David did not seek God’s guidance, he dishonored God, certain people around him losing their lives. It is also true that, because he was not in the right place at the right time, accompaning his army during a time of war, he was esposed to temptation and he fell into sin, the consequences of which were devastating. So, why do we consider David, if he was so very flawed? It is because of his heart, a heart that sought God, and found Him, a very present help in time of trouble. He proved God to be his very certain Light, Counsellor, Guide, Strength, Protector and King. When David was teachable and wiling, he was led.
Dear Father, Give us Christ’s meekness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.