“…He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:2,3
Throughout Scripture there is a truth that runs straight and true, one which is not only essential to grasp and live by, but one by which God reveals Himself to us in a very concrete way. It is the truth that God in His faithfulness, regardless of circumstance, sight, or feeling, will lead the believer in the way in which he should go, in response to faith. Why is this truth so very important? The first reason is the fact, as Jeremiah the prophet prayed: “O Lord, I know the way of man is NOT in himself; It is NOT in man who walks to direct his own steps.” (Jer. 10:23) How is it that the man Jeremiah, though evidently very intelligent with great wisdom, and the humility enough to see clearly on the matter, comes to the same conclusion that David the great King of Israel came to, that being that we are all like sheep, absolutely in need of a Shepherd, because there is NO way that we can in and of ourselves find the path that God alone can show us to take? It is because Jeremiah and David were honest, truthful men, who realized and accepted the enormity of their limitations and capacities to discern that which was spiritual reality in the sight of God. Neither men could see beyond the present moment into the future, nor could they even understand all that was going on around them in the visible and invisible world. Their limitations were flagrant, and fearful. They were in the darkness, and the uncertainty of that which they could not grasp or understand in and of themselves. However, this knowledge of their limitations and absolute need to be led by One who knows all things and is willing to guide in a very sovereign way, is the basis for them seeking Him, finding Him “…a very present HELP in trouble.” Were it not for the helplessness of man, not only to understand things as they are, in order to choose that which is the best course of action to take and take it, there would be no HELP, no true ONE who comes alongside to take them by the hand, making the rough places smooth, and the crooked places straight.
There is one last reason for which it is imperative for man to find in God his sole, and full, faithful response to the call to be led and guided by Heaven. It is the fact that man is a sinner by nature, in rebellion against the eternal, holy God. He has alienated himself from God, choosing naturally to follow his sinful leanings, desires, and reasonings, thinking and acting independently from God. It is only when the sinner, by the grace and intervention of God, is brought to the end of his so-called “resources” that Christ breaks the power of the sinful, independent nature, to turn Heavenward to the Great Shepherd, who is faithful to lead, guide, and provide for.
So, what of the faithfulness of God, and the certainty that He will meet the need of the one who truly seeks Him for guidance? The knowledge of God’s faithfulness comes to the heart by revelation, God opening up conscience, mind, and heart to the reality of His presence, and the power of His working. This He does through the objective truth of His eternal, unalterable Word. When God speaks it is truth. Every word is the call of God to man to trust Him more than anyone, or anything, thus proving and revealing to man that he is loved by God, the Savior and Lord, Shepherd and King, who will not fail to lead the sheep in His peace, by “still waters.” God will always lead according to His revealed will confirming it to the heart by His Spirit.
Not only will the Spirit of truth dwell in the heart but He will reveal the way to choose.
Dear Father, Lead on Dear King. In Jesus’ name, Amen.