“The grass withers, the flower fades: but the word of our God shall stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8
Dear Ones:
At the end of the day, what will be left standing? Students of history see the empires of time come and go, rise from the dust and return to the dust. This is also true of men individually, who are born for a time, and then, are gone. One of the great truths of Scripture to help us to understand what we are, beyond what sin has falsely persuaded us to be, is this: “All flesh is grass, and all the goodliness (beauty) thereof is as the flower of the field.” (Is. 40:6) What is God seeking to convey to us? It is that we are very small, and that men and empires will rise and fall. They will not last, nor the beauty or their glamour. How then are we to come to grips with this reality without it projecting us into the baseness of godlessness, where there is NO norm beyond the mind and heart of sinful man? That which gives meaning and value to the existence of man, and every individual on this earth, is demonstrated, declared, and depicted on a cross on Calvary. In that solitary life of Him who died on that cross, is found the ONLY feasible and realistic reason, purpose, and means by which man is called to exist. It will be by Christ’s death that God has left His mark, proof, and confirmation of His love and goodness to all men, especially those who will believe in Him. In light of this reality, why is the written word of God so very important?
The worth, and weight, of the word of God is revealed in the Psalmist’s words: “For ever, O Lord, Thy word is settled in heaven.” (Psalm 119:89) Why? It has to do with WHO God is in His holiness. He is what sinful man is not, faithful. There is a direct correlation between the nature and character of God, and that of His word. There is no dissonance, no discord, no contradiction between the two. He SAYS who He IS, and will DO what He says. Paul’s words are proof of this: “Faithful IS He who calls you, who also WILL do it.” (1 Jn. 5:24) So, WHO is He? What characterizes Him? First and foremost is His eternal, thus, unchanging. To Moses He would declare: “I am that I am.” To John the Apostle, He would say: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end.” He would reveal to Isaiah the same truth, “…I the Lord, the first and with the last.” (41:4) So, the importance of the word of God begins with the fact that the Word of God, and the God of the Word, are one. There is no diminishing of one or the the other, as they are one eternally.
The second reason for the importance of the word is that it is singular, coming from the heart and mind of ONE God. The Lord declares this by asking a question: “Is there a God beside Me? Yes, there is NO God; I know not any.” (Is. 44:8) Moses would write of this truth in declaring: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.” (Deut,. 6:4) Not only is the word of God important because it comes from the Eternal God, but it also comes from the ONLY God.
Thirdly, the importance of the finality of the word for mankind, is revealed by His declaration: “Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh.” (Jeremiah 32:27) God’s word is given, revealed to mankind, because He is the God of us ALL, and individually. His word applies to every soul that has ever come into this world. The word of God to the individual heart is revealed throughout Scripture, as He addresses the one who “…will hear His voice,” listen, and respond, by calling upon Him.
Dear Father, teach us of Your eternal nature, holy and good. Make us to KNOW Thy word to our hearts, and give us grace to respond to Thee in faith and obedience, the very proof that we have truly believed in Thee. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad