“Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 1:7,8
Dear Ones:
How important is a greeting? We might qualify that question by asking another: “What is the importance of the content of the greeting?” If we look at this simple subject just from a natural standpoint, the answers we get to these questions will probably be rather shallow and ephemeral. However, if we look at the matter from a heavenly standpoint, Paul being LED by the Spirit of the living and eternal God, all changes. Certainly the effect on the hearers that was intended, was to be preparatory to all else. It was to be the prelude, and the setting of the stage for the revelation of the word of God to the hearts of the believers.
The Apostle Paul, in all of his letters specifically greets these groups of believers in certain locations by addressing them as FROM God. His words are poignant and powerful, full of meaning and hope for the ones who are willing to hear. He begins by directing their attention heavenward to see, understand, and to grasp, that God is the present-moment GIVER of grace, abundant, sufficient, and free. It means that God does have pity on us, for He sees and knows us perfectly, with all of our limitations and needs. This GRACE freely given from God, and intended to be received by the believer, is the open door for His intervention in the heart and life. God ALWAYS reveals Himself, and works in the heart because of the choice and action of unmerited favor that He extends towards the one in need. Secondly, Paul declares that God is a God of peace, and again, the GIVER of that peace from heaven. “My peace I GIVE unto you, not as the world giveth.” (Jn. 14:27) God the Father is the Giver of HIS perfect peace through the Lord Jesus who IS our peace. It is imperative that Paul’s readers understand that God desires and wills to not only bring one to peace with Himself through salvation, but to communicate that blessed peace by the Spirit to the heart. This is not just a realized harmony with God and His purposes, but a real experience of one aspect of Christ’s blessed life…His calm, peace and stillness.
When Paul addressed Timothy and Titus in his letters, he added one other aspect of the greeting from heaven…that of MERCY. Why? When the solitary soldier is faced with the unique and singular responsibility of his or her calling, there is the essential need to KNOW, and believe in the present mercy of God. Why? Our enemy knows how to turn us in on ourselves, as he is a very deceitful accuser of the brethren. Accusations and condemnations are two of his great weapons. The individual believer must KNOW that, in spite of the attacks of the enemy, God is merciful…presently so, and that His mercies are new EVERY morning. God meets us on the basis of the work of His Son, and His unchanging covenant and commitment to us. Though one may fail, stumble and fall, the individual soldier must know that the message from heaven is that God’s mercy IS towards him, and will meet him every time in his need.
Dear Father, give us every day to realize that your greeting is perpetually the same. Strengthen us this day to live in the reality of Your ever-present grace, mercy, and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad