“For as in the days that were before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark. And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away.” Matthew 24:38,39
There is in the economy of God a certain reality that He, the Father, has fixed. It is His clock. On the one hand it is ever ticking , announcing the passing of time before His Son comes again to set up His reign on this earth. But it is also clicking towards a climactic judgment upon all the unrighteousness of men. Until that clock strikes its last stroke, there is the opportunity for man to seek the mercy of God, to cry out to Him for the grace to truly turn to Him wholly. In the illustration that the Lord Jesus gives us with regard to the days of Noah, and how the earth was filled with violence, and every imagination of the hearts of men was “only evil continually,” (Gen. 6:5) there is the clear, gradual approaching of mankind to that decisive moment of God’s judgement because of the absolute refusal to even entertain the thought of God in their hearts. The reason for this imminent moment of God’s judgment is clearly revealed throughout Scripture. Man was created not for himself, but so that he should exist for the glory of God. In the case of Noah, and his family, the whole of mankind had chosen to turn aside from the truth of God, deliberately choosing to live only for themselves. The purpose of God in creating man was basically thwarted by sin and Satan. There was no more room for God in the hearts of men, except in the family of Noah. Thus, God would make a way of escape from His wrath, for those who still clung to Him, His ways, and His purposes. The issue at this point in time is not if the judgment of God will come, for that is a certainty. It is rather, for the believer, as to how he or she will live in light of coming judgment? To address this issue, we look at the meaning and application of the word: “readiness.”
Many years before the coming of the flood upon the whole earth, God had instructed Noah to build an ark. Now, it is important to see that Noah was not called to sit around and wait for the Lord’s coming, but to be fully engaged with those of his household, in preparing for the flood. God had revealed to Noah HIs will concerning the flood and its intended use. However, the great issue was the Ark. Noah was specifically instructed just how to build an “ark” for the saving of his family. Noah, his wife, his sons, and their wives, were fully engaged in preparing for that which would contribute to the saving of their households, but also the protecting and preserving of much more. The Lord’s purpose was to save completely.
As far as we know, Noah did not know the exact date of when the flood would come. His objective was to be ready for its coming, and this, by following the instruction that the Lord had given him, being faithful to Him. In light of the illustration of Noah, his response to God, and faithfulness to the task at hand before the flood, what are essential, valuable lessons that need to be grasped if we are to be ready for the Lord’s coming, or our going to be with Him?
The first thing is the belief in the imminency of Christ’s coming according to His promise. The Lord has said that He will come a second time, and that His words will not pass away. Secondly, His coming is the prelude to judgment, and it will come in a day that only the Father knows. Thirdly, every believer has a commission and calling by God, to serve the saving Christ, watching daily for His coming.
Dear Father, Give us grace to be faithful servants of Christ, waiting, watching, and working. In Jesus’ name, Amen.