“And whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:26
Dear Ones:
In one of the most profound, and yet, simplest statements uttered by the lips of Christ, was the declaration: “This is eternal life, that they might KNOW Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” (John 17:3) In that short phrase is revealed the very essence of true life, and its duration. First of all the Lord addresses the issue of LIFE itself. What is it? It is certainly not “existence,” just being. One can breathe, think, reason, love, give and be given to…and yet, not LIVE, according to God. The Lord Jesus states ever so clearly and plainly that there is NO true LIFE, in the truest sense of the term, without God, and a certain relationship with God. Secondly, the Lord deals with the duration of what He calls true LIFE. It is eternal, or ever-lasting. It never diminishes in its essence, quality, or dimensions. It is perpetually the same, as Christ IS, yesterday, today, and forever. How can this be? Simply because of its oneness WITH, and IN, Christ. The soul of man is eternal, but the soul of man does not truly LIVE without the blessed relationship of union with Christ. This is why the Lord Jesus declares Himself, not only to be the “way,” and the “truth,” but the very LIFE. He IS Life, and to know Him, a knowledge born out of this oneness with Him by the Spirit, is to experience His life. What was it that the Apostle Paul said, “For me to LIVE is Christ…when Christ, who IS our LIFE, shall appear, we shall appear with Him in glory?” (Phil. 1:21,Col. 3:4) But what of living this LIFE here on earth? What does it mean, and how are we to live?
In Jeremiah’s writings, he clarifies this issue: “‘Let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understands and knows ME, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgement, and righteousness in the earth, for in these things I delight,’ saith the Lord.” (Jer. 9:24) What does it mean to KNOW the only true God, and “Jesus Christ whom He has sent?” It means to experience the life of God, to know the LIFE in the heart, “Christ dwelling in the heart by faith.” Anything less than a life of communion, fellowship with God, a life walking with Him, serving Him, relying wholly upon Him, is not the experience of His life. We are vessels to be cleansed, emptied, and then filled with His blessed life by faith. Christ did not pay the debt of the whole world that we should know “about” Him alone, but to experience His life. How? In this matter, the Lord Jesus alone is the “way” to God, and this by the “truth” of God. It is as we learn the living truth of God in Christ, that we are brought face to face with the challenge and calling to BELIEVE Him wholly, and implicitly. Our walk then becomes one of surrender to Him and faith in Him for all.
It was Handley Moule who wrote a book entitled: “Practicing The Promises.” In that book he speaks of “aims,” “limits,” and “possibilities.” When Christ calls us, He calls us to newness of life, a new basis, means, and essence. Paul calls it, a “new creation.” It is as we learn the truth of what this means, by learning the truth of God in Christ, that He gives the power to believe Him according to the truth. The more we believe and obey, the more He reveals Himself in the heart and soul, and through the life. He fills us with this LIFE by the Spirit, the very Spirit of Christ, in the measure of our capacity. Our capacity to receive may not be very great at times because of the smallness of our vision, but He fills us none the less if we trust Him. So, our aim is to KNOW Him well. But then, we must realize that we have limits…primarily of faith, consistent, whole-hearted faith. We LEARN to trust Him, knowing that we shall only trust Him wholly and perpetually in eternity. But, what of possibilities? They are as great as Christ’s ability to do the “…exceeding abundantly ABOVE all that we could ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (Eph. 3:20)
Dear Father, and Lord of Life, we thank Thee that You have made the Lord Jesus to BE our life. Increase our vision of Him in all clarity, so that we shall see Him in His majesty, and greatness. Strengthen us to live IN Him by faith, according to the truth, and by the Holy Spirit. Dwell in us by faith, that others will see the reality of what true LIFE is, and turn to Thee. We praise and thank Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad