“And there appeared unto him (Zacharias) an angel of the Lord standing on the right hand of the altar of incense.” Luke 1:11
Dear Ones:
The account of events leading up to the birth of Christ is most extraordinary, as it reveals to us something of the uniqueness of God, and His ways. The first thing that is so striking is God’s choice of TIMING. “There was in the days of Herod, king of Judea…” (Lu.1:5) From a human, logical standpoint, this would NOT be the time to bring Christ into the world. Herod was a ruthless despot, who would not hesitate to destroy many small children in order to stamp out any attempt by a rival to his throne and authority.
The second thing that is noteworthy is the MANNER in which God reveals that the time had come, a time of brief preparation, then the revelation of the birth of Christ. Zacharias, an elderly priest who was chosen to burn incense on behalf of the people, is singularly, very quietly confronted in the temple by an angel of the Lord. What is so significant about this meeting are the words that the angel pronounces to Zacharias: “Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard.” (1:13) What prayer? When was it prayed, and for what? We know by the account that the prayer was for a son, and apparently, had been prayed many years before. Did Zacharias, in asking for a son, have any idea that God would grant his request in his old age, and in particular, that this child would be John the Baptist, the precursor and herald of Christ? This is not certain. However, God will do the wonderful thing ever so quietly, hidden, and in a “normal” setting. That which is normal, or natural, is made holy by the presence and working of God, as declared by the angel Gabriel.
Thirdly, we are struck by the fact that all that God does is by the Holy Spirit. Before John is born, at the greeting to Elizabeth by Mary, we find that Elizabeth is “…filled with the Holy Spirit.” Then we find her child “leaping in the womb for joy.” At the moment when Zacharias would declare that the name of the baby would be John, his tongue is loosed, as he was mute. He was then “… filled with the Holy Spirit.” With regard to Mary, the mother of Jesus, Gabriel would tell her concerning her baby (Jesus), “…The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee…”(1:35) The entire narrative of the birth of John the Baptist, and that of the Lord Jesus, is encompassed by, and filled with, the wonderful working of the Holy Spirit. All of these extraordinary events are occurring in the simplest, and most natural of circumstances. Again, that which makes everything extraordinary is that God is working, in His time, in His way, for His purpose and glory…all BY the Spirit.
Dear Father, give us to be those who pray…and continue to pray. Enable us to believe Thee for that which is truly worthy of Your name, the exceeding abundantly above all that we could ask or think. We do thank Thee that You are uniquely wonderful and wise in all of Your tender dealings with us. Accept our praise and thanks for Your unspeakable gift in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad