“For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:2
Dear Ones:
The first thing the Apostle Paul deals with, after bringing the believer to understand that, “…in my flesh, dwelleth no good thing,” (Romans 7:18), is to declare, “There is therefore NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1) This is an essential truth for the believer to grasp, and lay hold of. Why? First of all, because it is true. When one is placed into Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 1:30), from that moment, he is not only “sealed” in Christ by virtue of the work of the Spirit, but he is clothed with the perfect righteousness of Christ, that which is perfectly, and perpetually, accepted by the Father. God looks at the believer, and sees the perfection and righteousness of His Son. There is another reason for which the believer must lay hold upon the fact that there is no more any “condemnation” from God. Any “condemnation” from the moment of one belonging to Christ, is NOT of God. Satan is the accuser of the brethren, and is ever seeking to make the believer believe the lie that God will let him go, and condemn him or her, in the present, or perhaps in the future. God in His mercy, wisdom, and grace, has foreseen the need of the soul to see, and grasp, that he or she, is “complete in Christ,” and that there is absolutely NO basis for condemnation. All accusation, or condemnation, is from the enemy. The Spirit of God convicts of sin, but does never condemn the believer.
In bringing the believer to the experience of the victorious life in Christ, there is another life-changing truth that accompanies that of “no condemnation.” Just as there is a law which tells us that if we sin, we will die, so there is another law, more powerful and all-encompassing. It is the law which tells the believer that he or she has become one with Christ, and that the Spirit of Christ dwells in his heart. That presence and consequent action, provides the power to overcome the downward pull and descent of sin. It is a perpetual, never altering LAW, that if one believes the truth of His presence, and His commitment to respond to faith, will know the reality that “nothing shall be impossible” to the believer. The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, speaks of God’s commitment of His power to the soul to “reign in life,” to overcome all adversity, and to BE “more than a conqueror.” The question then becomes, “How is this to be lived in a practical manner in this life?”
The first practical thing that must be addressed is acquiring the “knowledge of the truth.” Why? Simply put, God IS the God of truth…there is no lie in Him, for He cannot lie. Jesus even declared that HE was the truth, having come to bear witness to the truth. In addressing His disciples, He said: “You shall KNOW the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (John 8:32) It is essential to KNOW the truth, God’s truth, if we would believe God to work, and move, according to that truth. Secondly, Jesus said, “If the SON therefore shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.” (Jn. 8:36) Here you have the power of God in Christ, by the Spirit, working in answer to faith, according to the truth. Most believers have not studied the gospel, trusting the Spirit to give them a clear understanding of its greatness and power, hence there is a lack of knowledge of needful truth. How shall one believe in the power of God, if one does not know the truth according to which the Lord will answer the prayer of faith? And secondly, how shall one trust in the “law of the Spirit of life,” Christ’s power, sufficiency and grace, if one does not see, and grasp, God’s covenant commitment to the believer to GIVE Him all that he or she needs, being IN CHRIST?
Dear Father, anoint our eyes to see and know the truth, be committed to believe it wholly, and without reserve. And then, give us grace to see and to understand Thy commitment as our Creator, and Christ as our Redeemer, to meet us moment by moment, every day, giving us the power that we need to do the will of God, believing Thee for Thy best and highest, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad