“Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord sees not as a man sees; for the man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7
Dear Ones:
Certainly, the ways of God are not those of men. Neither is that which He values. Why did He choose David to be the king of Israel? Why would he choose Simon Peter to be one of the apostles, and pillars of the early church? Why, among all of the intellectuals of his time, did the Lord choose Saul of Tarsus (Paul), to become an apostle, this one who had persecuted the church, and in doing so, persecuted Christ? Was it because of their natural ability, that which would appear to men to be the fundamental prerequisite for success and greatness? Was it because of their education, their natural zeal, their “heritage?” According to Scripture, God looks beyond the external, and the “man-made,” to the attitude of the heart, that which is the very “nerve center” of his being. It is there that the potential of a consistent transaction, or communion, with God can take place, and it is why God has declared: “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong in behalf of them whose HEART is perfect towards Him.” (1 Chronicles 16:9) That which makes a man of God is his capacity to receive from God all that God desires to give. It stands to reason that since God is good, and the Giver of every good and perfect gift, that sinful man’s only hope of “goodness” resides in that blessed capacity to receive it from God. If there is none good but God, how shall we ever rise to the point and effectiveness of goodness, that we might have to give to others, if we do not receive it from God? What then is the key to “receiving,” being not only willing, but able to do so, and this in fullest measure?
The first issue that must be addressed is that of our “attention.” What is it that we seek, that which occupies our attention. We see how important this is when the Lord Jesus speaks of the two gates, and two ways of life. One, the narrow one, is both the gate-way and the means to knowing true Life. The other, all that does not pertain to the “RIGHT” way in the eyes of God, is just a distraction and deterrence to knowing the truth. The vast majority of humanity is occupied with the very wide gate, and the way of their imaginations, philosophies, and “religions,” never earnestly seeking the truth, and in particular Him who IS the truth. The matter of “attention” to God, and the things of God, is an essential quality of those who would be receivers of, and from, God.
The second issue to be considered is that of the “practical pursuit.” Scripture tells us that every day, all day, God is speaking through His creation, that men might seek Him. Also, Jesus said that when He would be lifted up, He would draw all men to Himself. That Cross two thousand years ago, and in particular the One on that cross, is the constant call of God to all humanity, to seek the God who has demonstrated such love in giving that which was most precious, to save that which was most deplorable…the sinner. So, we need to ask ourselves the question, “Am I a seeker of God? Is this the greatest pursuit of my life?” To not give attention to this matter is to dismiss, and reject His willingness to Give Life. To turn away from Him is to turn away from being willing to receive from Him. This will lead to Lifelessness…or death. To not RECEIVE the forgiveness of ALL our sins, which is the prelude to receiving His Life, is to choose some other way to bear own sins, denying God’s right and will to save us, to give us His Life by the Spirit.
Dear Father, Thou art the God of truth, who has revealed Thyself to us in Thy Word of Truth. Lord Jesus, You have declared that You ARE the truth, in perfect conformity with the written word of God. Give us hearts today that truly seek Thee, hearts that have as their primary and dominant goal, to know and love Thee. Make us clean, whole-hearted receivers of all that You desire to give, that we may have that which is good to give to others. We thank and praise Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad