“For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:27
In the book of Isaiah, there is mentioned one whom God raises up, coming from the East. The great emphasis concerning this individual is not upon him as a man, or with regard to what he would accomplish in the history of Israel. The great thrust of the passages concerning this individual centers upon the God who called him, set him apart, and anointed him. The great reason for which this one is brought forth with the hand of God upon him is to reveal to the world, to the nations, that God is the God of nations, of history, the Maker of us all, and the only Redeemer of sinners. So, God takes a man, and in a most extraordinary way, calls this man to be His servant, equipping him for a task that will awaken the world to the fact that God is God alone. He does what He will, regardless of the kingdoms and dominions of men. He declares Himself to be singular, the only true God, who is thus worthy to be worshipped and served. The coming of this man from the east is a picture and a prelude to what is to eventually occur in the coming of the Messiah to set up His kingdom on this earth. But first, what is the manner in by which Isaiah speaks of this man from the East? How does Scripture introduce him?
It must first be said that Isaiah, in mentioning the coming of this man from the East, and then later in his book mentioning him by name, in chapters 44 and 45, wrote his book at least one hundred and fifty years before Cyrus came on the scene. God, by the prophet Isaiah, reveals to men of that day, and our own today, that He is the sovereign God of time and space, and eternity. He alone can speak through his servant one hundred and fifty years before the coming of Cyrus and describe the historical events which would occur at that time. God through Isaiah introduces this man by asking the questions: “Who raised up one from the east? Who in righteousness called him to His feet? Who gave the nations before him, and made him ruler over kings?” (Is. 41:2) The emphasis in considering the calling of this individual is fixed upon the One who called him, for the Lord goes on to ask: “Who has performed and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord, am the first; And with the last I am He.” (v.4) The Lord, by raising up Cyrus, and revealing him to the then known world over a century before hand, demonstrates that He alone is the eternal God, the Lord. The call of God here is to all men to recognize that he is as He declares Himself to be, “…the first and with the last.” The calling and revealing of Cyrus to Israel was to be one addressed to the nation of Israel to return to Him, to believe, and submit to His authority, for there is none greater or more blessed than Him. The coming of Cyrus was the confirmation of God, first by the mouth of his prophet, that He is God, but also, by bringing it to pass, proving it to all nations that He is God, and worthy of all worship.
There is another “man from the East,” that is declared in Scripture as being the Son of Man. From almost the beginning of time, this One, coming in His glory and power, has been spoken of. He is called “Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.” (Rev. 19:11) Christ had come before, according to the prophesies of Scripture, to be the Savior of the world. The call of God throughout history has been that of awakening men to the fact that He is the true and living God, and only Savior of men.
Dear Father, Awaken us to see. In Jesus’ name, Amen.