“It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23
Dear Ones:
There is a miracle awaiting to occur every morning between God and man, specifically the believer. It is one that is as certain as the power of the blood of Christ to cleanse, and the anointing of the Spirit to strengthen with Christ’s might. It is a miracle whereby an individual can worship the Almighty God in truth by the Spirit, and KNOW that He is God. It is one where an audience with God is secured, certain, and satisfying. It is one where the “…cables pass from His heart to mine,” where one defies the blast through strength Divine. One of the most wonderful characteristics of this “miracle” is that it is renewed EVERY MORNING. God has made provision for it, intending for us to use it fully.
When Moses prayed for wisdom to know how to live a day at a time, in the light of the number of days that we have on this earth, he begins by asking the Lord to teach him. Christ IS our teacher by the Spirit, and one of the first things He brings us to is the imperative of meeting Him alone, every morning. David would pray, “EARLY will I seek Thee.” Moses would write, “…satisfy us EARLY with Thy mercies.” What are these men saying? They are declaring a tremendous reality, that any believer can truly meet God on a personal, and very real level. God has provided all in Christ for this to be so, with the promise of “reward,” the revelation to the heart and mind of His presence, His person. Can Jesus Christ truly be a reality to us, and this “new” every morning? The answer is an emphatic “yes.”
Question: Does the Spirit of God ever grow old? No, HE is new for us every morning. Does the work of Christ ever change, and the truths according to which we can come with full assurance to Christ? No. Did the Lord Jesus die on the cross so that He could reveal Himself to us by the Spirit? “Yes.” Is it the will of God that we KNOW Him, not just somehow, but wonderfully? Of course the answer is “yes.” If this is the case, then why do we not use well the opportunity, and provision of God, and meet the Lord early, learning from Him what it means to take the truths of His word, and trust the Holy Spirit to reveal Christ to our hearts…early…today…every morning?
Dear Father, eternal life is to KNOW Thee, and Thy Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Give us to see that You wait for us to seek You so that You can reveal to us the wonder of Your person by the Spirit. Give us to truly understand that You WILL meet us, when we are intent on truly seeking Thee. You will not, and cannot fail to do so. We thank Thee in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad