“But now hath He obtained a more excellent ministry, by how much also He is the mediator of a better covenant, which was established upon better promises.” Hebrews 8:6
Dear Ones:
What is a covenant, and why is it so very important when we consider the things of God? First of all, a covenant is, ” … a sovereign dispensing of grace on God’s part, and the security arises from the action of God.” In a simpler way, let us consider it as a design conceived in the heart and mind of God, in which is revealed God’s truth commitment to man, and His corresponding action, in accordance with His promises and commandments. This is so very important because of the unchanging nature and disposition of God concerning that which He promises. Scripture tells us that God is faithful, i.e. He is committed to accomplish what He has declared, and does so because He is TRUTH, possessing all the power and authority in heaven and earth to do it. Again, scripture tells us that because of His immutable character, and the fact that He cannot lie, He has set in motion by the declaration of His word, the accomplishment of His promises as they apply to sinful man. Those promises address the fundamental needs of men, but also, the extraordinary limitless blessing that is in Christ. Where does one begin when considering what is called the new testament, or new covenant? And how does it apply to us today?
Beyond all that God declares, and teaches us concerning the covenants throughout the ages, the New Covenant, established by Christ, was set and sealed the moment that Jesus on the Cross declared: “It is finished.” From that point on, the believer in Christ as Lord and Savior, was put into a position of spiritual blessing that hitherto very few had known. The essence of this covenant is found in Jesus’ declaration to His disciples during the last supper. He said, “This cup is the new testament, (or covenant) in My blood, which is shed for you.” (Luke 22:20) On the Cross, Jesus “sealed our pardon” with His blood. Not only does the precious blood of Christ “put away sin,” but it cleanses from sin, removing not only the guilt and judgment associated with sin, and the very remembrance of it. By the blood of Christ, the believer is not only cleansed from sin, but rendered just and holy before God. On one hand the blood washes away sin, and on the other, the very righteousness of Christ in that blood is attributed, or given to the believer, rendering him or her, just and righteous before God. Scripture then takes us a step further, this time in the matter of fellowship with God: “Having therefore brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith.” (Heb. 10:19,22)
There is another aspect of this new covenant that is essential to grasp if we would be participants in the greatest measure of the blessing. Not only is the believer justified by the blood, but he or she is also “…sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” (Heb. 10:10) Christ dealt with all sin on the cross. He also accomplished, and finished the work, by which every believer is sanctified in Him, set apart unto God, made a child of God and an heir of the kingdom. What does this mean? Not only is there a “new and living way” into the very presence of God, so that we can worship and commune with Him, but the KING has come, by His Spirit, to forever enable us to live by His life. The great mystery, hidden throughout the ages, but now revealed in these last days is this: Christ has come to dwell in the heart and soul of the believer by His Spirit. Paul sums it up so simply, clearly, and powerfully: “Christ in you, the hope of glory.” This is the great issue, Christ dwelling in the heart by faith, and us abiding in Him.
Dear Father, Open our eyes to see the greatness of this salvation. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad