“Thus says the Lord God: ‘I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them: I will increase their men like a flock.” Ezekiel 36:37

In the book of book of Isaiah there is a marvelous progression in the revelation of God to Israel, specifically concerning what He will do in answer to faith and obedience.  Isaiah begins, as it were, a new chapter in God’s dealings with Israel, declaring to her that a time of consolation, revelation and blessing had now come upon them, following a terrible period of endured judgment because of their sins.  The Lord declares to them, in the intensity of the cry of the prophet, “…that her warfare is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned: for she hath received of the Lord double for all her sins.” (Is. 40:2) The Lord then goes on to direct the people’s attention to the fact, not only of their forgiveness and cleansing, but also concerning the way forward, a way that is only possible by the “…word of our God (which) shall stand forever.” (v. 8) The prophet’s message to Israel at this juncture in her history, and need, is to take notice of God’s declaration to them that “good tidings” are being proclaimed, even promised to them.  God promises them strength and power, not only to rise from the ashes of their suffering and loss, but to mount up like eagles, and know the goodness of God manifested in their midst again.

God reinstates Isael as His chosen servant, making sure that she understands that she has not been cast away.  On the contrary, the promises He gives her concerns strength that He will give her, helping and upholding her with His right hand of authority. (41:9,10) He promises to make her a sharp threshing instrument, providing for her to be victorious in this new beginning.  He will bring upon her all the “good tidings” of His blessing and salvation.  But what does God seek in order to do this for Israel?  What is the one thing missing?

He would look for “a man,” or an individual, or group, who would CALL upon Him. (41:28) He would find the perfect realization of that need in the perfect Servant, His Son, interceding for the nation.  Israel’s example and enablement to call is found in this perfect Intercessor, the living Christ, called, upheld, and kept, “…a covenant of the people, a light unto the Gentiles,” One who will “open blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners from the prison, and them that sit in darkness out of the prison house.” It is important to note that these promises do not just apply to Israel, but to the gentiles, the nations of the world.  That which is central to the revelation of this blessing to the world, and a principle which must not be breached, is that the Lord will NOT give His glory to another, …neither His praise to dumb idols.

From the declaration of what the Lord is doing at present, and the work which He desires to do, we come to the moment when He so very clearly commands: “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?” (43:18,19) Here is God’s proclamation and promise of a new beginning where not only are sins forgiven, and washed away, but according to His eternal word, He declares that the time for the new beginning for Israel has now come, to be fully embraced.  This new beginning does not have its roots, and basis, in things of the past, only in Christ.  The greatest blessing is the outpouring of the Spirit upon the thirsty soul, whether Jew or Gentile, where specifically God says: “I will pour My Spirit upon thy seed, and My blessing upon your offspring.” (44:3) However, there is still one thing missing, revealed by the Lord’s words: “But you have not called upon Me, O Jacob.” (43:22) Who in our day will believingly, obediently, call upon God?

Dear Father, Strengthen us to call earnestly. In Jesus’ name, Amen.