“Ye are My friends…” John 15:14
Dear Ones:
What is a true friend? The world has its definition, but is it the same as that of God? Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.?” (Jn. 15:13) There is not doubt that at the core of friendship, there is selfless love. There is a devotion that reveals itself in the giving of one’s life for another. This may mean one’s death to save another. But it also means a living FOR another…in Jesus’ words: “…if you do what I command you.”
Abraham was called in Scripture, “…the friend of God.” He was such because he lived to worship and serve God, and this, by obedience and faith. This is seen over and over again. However, Abraham was an imperfect man, and thus, an imperfect friend. When Christ comes on the stage of history, he reveals to us the Perfect Friend. This is illustrated, not only by the declaration of His lips, but by the very power and authority to be such. In addressing the disciples, with regard to the “laying down of His life,” He said: “I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment I received of My Father.” (Jn. 10″18) The point is this. Christ is the perfect Friend, who sticks closer than a brother, loving at all times, but is One who by the power and authority given to Him from the Father, can and does lay down His life for His friends. What does His friendship mean in this world, in everyday life? Perhaps excerpts from two hymns will help us to grasp the wonder of friendship with God, or rather, His friendship with us.
“There’s not a friend like the lowly Jesus…No friend like Him is so high and holy…And yet, no friend is so meek and lowly…No, not one! No, not one!
Scriven writes, concerning this Friend that we have in Jesus: “…what a Friend…all our sins and griefs to bear…Can we find a Friend so faithful, who WILL all our sorrows share?…In His arms He’ll take and shield thee…thou wilt find a solace there.”
What is it about this friendship that is so special? First of all, it is from heaven…wholesome, selfless, divine… a total commitment by Christ in word, deed, and power. Secondly, it means that Christ is totally, and always approachable…meek and lowly, identifying with us in all our need. He possesses all power and authority to be and to do what He has declared for the one who truly trusts Him. He is our Friend, that we should also, by His grace and goodness, be His friends in return.
Dear Father, since Your Son is our Perfect Friend, give us grace to flee to Him, grasping the privilege to carry everything to God in prayer. O Blessed Friend, You who take our trials, temptations, sorrows and weakness, strengthen us to trust You fully. Take all our fear and care away, granting us grace to take You as our refuge and strength, the perfect Friend. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad