“…And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” 1 Corinthians 2:4
Dear Ones:
In the economy of God, or rather His kingdom, there are certain truths that we might consider to be “bedrock truths,” with regard to giving us assurance in our lives. These truths are stepping stones, places of assurance where we can put our feet. They are places of certainty to mind and heart, because they apply to us individually, and specifically. Such is the case with what Paul calls, “…the gifts and the calling of God.” (Romans 11:29) It must be understood that Christ “…saved us, and CALLED us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to HIS own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus BEFORE THE WORLD BEGAN” (2 Timothy 1:9) What does this mean? It means that it is God ALONE who saves us in Christ, and it is God ALONE who gives us gifts and capacities, aligned with a specific calling, direction and purpose, to be used and counted upon. It is always according to this calling of God, conceived in the heart of God, before the world began, that He has given to each of us gifts, spiritual and physical capacities, which are the means by which our calling is realized, and by which, we shall KNOW increasingly the Lord Jesus.
To understand this matter, and direct our attention specifically to the issue of preaching, let’s begin with Abraham. In the book of Isaiah, the Lord tells Israel to “look unto Abraham.” Why? It is because God CALLED him alone (specifically and individually), and BLESSED him (according to that calling…), and INCREASED him. (made him fruitful). (51:2) The overwhelming truth and bedrock for our faith is seen in God choosing to deal with Abraham. It was only by God’s intervention in his life, putting His hand upon him, that Abraham is directed in the will of God, to believe God in a certain way, all necessary gifts and capacities provided. And, so it is with the preacher, and every child of God. “The gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.” (Romans 11:29) They are irrevocable, for God’s purpose remains the same…from the foundation of the world. Are we all called to be “preachers” of the Gospel? No. But we are ALL called to follow Christ according to HIS will and choice for us, not leaning unto our own understanding, but seeking first HIS will and calling for our lives. Is it certainly the will of God that we KNOW our calling? Peter writes in his second letter, “Brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election SURE; for if you do these things, you shall never fail.” (1:10) Why does he write this? The knowledge of the calling of God for each of us is necessary so that we may place our feet by faith upon the bedrock of God’s eternal purposes and plans.
Paul, in writing to Timothy, his son in the faith, seeking to “pass the torch” to him, with regard to ministry, made it very clear that the knowledge of his calling was OF GOD, and not of man. He reveals this by writing: “Paul, the apostle of Jesus Christ BY THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD…” (1 Tim. 1:1) His calling was from heaven, and he knew it. He also knew the specifics of it. “I am ordained a preacher, and an apostle, a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.” Here is a man who trusted Christ for the clarity and conviction of both the calling and the gifts, and God gave it to him. Does this not apply to us in like manner also?
Dear Father, Give us all grace to seek You concerning the knowledge of our calling, and gifts. And yet, never let the gifts, or the calling, take the place of our love and affection for the Giver, the One who calls. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad