“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Galatians 6:10
Dear Ones:
“Opportunity,” or an open door, is a wonderful thing. It begins with “time,” a time in which to do good. Our lives are defined to a great extent by time, the beginning of it when we were born, and the end of it when go to be with the Lord. There is also the issue of “resources,” which is associated with opportunity. These fall into the categories of those resources within us, and those provisions outside of us. When we consider the matter from a spiritual standpoint, there is the all-encompassing dimension of Christ, union with Him, and life by the Spirit. It is in the sphere of fellowship with Him, that all things become possible, especially with regard to the direction that one must take, and the way in which that path is to be embraced. Basic to every endeavor, and the faith needed to use well the opportunity that God has afforded us, is the Word of God. If Joshua, with the responsibility of bringing Israel into the promised land, was to be in a position to know the will of God, and the very present help of God, it would be in part because he would become a man of the Word, meditating in it day and night. And so it will be with us, for the fertile ground for faith is found in the fathomless resources of truth in the Word of God.
The question then arises, “What is the essence and goal of this ‘race,’ or opportunity?” The essential meaning of this race, this endeavor with fixed limits of time and resources, is found in our example in Christ. The author of the letter to the Hebrews, wrote of the Lord Jesus: “…who for the joy that was set before Him, (He) endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (12:2) Here is a picture of the Lord Jesus running HIS race. It is one where all of his resources, and those of the Father by the Spirit, are fully engaged to reach a goal. For Him, it was finishing His work on the cross, declaring, “It is finished.” We see by what the author of Hebrews wrote, that there was great opposition to Jesus realizing His work. The opposition can be seen by the “shame” heaped upon Him by those around Him. Though mostly ignorant of what this Man was, and what He was doing for them, those He came to save, would ultimately reject him, and desire to destroy Him. However, Christ would not be turned aside, for He was running the race primarily for the Father’s good pleasure, to accomplish His will.
What are the characteristics of this race, which we must see and embrace, if we are to win? The first is determining WHO is the Author of the race. We see by the passage in Hebrews, that Jesus is the Author and Finisher of faith. He is also, as the Alpha and Omega, the very beginning of every endeavor that God calls us to engage in. Why is this so very important? For all that God calls us to trust Him for, He will provide the means (all) for its accomplishment. Secondly, we need to see that the race is to be run in a certain way. Essential to the nature and character of the race is true communion with God, born out of a life of individual worship of Him in Spirit and truth. Christ of necessity needs to be a great reality to us, revealing Himself to and through us, as light, truth, and Life. Thirdly, we need to understand that the reward for running is the knowledge of God, fullness of fellowship with the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. It is fullness of joy, the great expression of knowing perfect love.
Dear Father, Give us grace to run and finish well this race which You have laid out before us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad