“Yet, I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation.” Habakkuk 3:18
Dear Ones:
Where does stability come from in this life of faith? It is by looking at the One who IS what He IS, never changing, possessing the perfect qualities of the Divine. By looking up and seeing Him who is on the throne of heaven, this one who is perfect in every aspect of His holy being, and who reveals the exquisite beauty of His goodness and mercy, we begin to live a life where our feet are fixed upon the Rock of Ages. We begin to see Him as our stability, that one who, not only in heaven is immutable, but the One who is in our hearts by the Spirit. It is by HIS immutable Life, and our rejoicing in that Life by faith, that His stability becomes our own. What then, in the vision of God, gives us wings to rise above the downward trend of this sinful world? It is the vision of God’s glory, specifically, of His goodness.
After Moses had led the people of Israel out of Egypt, we see him going into the tabernacle to seek the Lord. Scripture tells us that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Out of that communion comes a prayer of Moses to God: “Show me Thy glory.” (Ex.33:18) Moses had seen the miraculous works of God, even certain manifestations of God in the pillar of fire, and the cloud. He had heard God speak to him on numerous occasions. So then, what will God do, and how will He do it, in answering and granting Moses’ request to see His glory? We find first of all that He will reveal to Moses the essence of His glory by saying: “I will make all my GOODNESS pass before you, and I will declare the name of the Lord before you.” (Ex. 33:19) Why does God choose to reveal to Moses the aspect of His goodness, with regard to His glory? Why is it so very important?
In Jesus’ ministry, He was confronted one day by and individual, to whom we have ascribed the title: “The rich young ruler.” He will ask the question of the Lord, “What good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?” (Matt. 19:16) The Lord will answer, “Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is God.” (v.17) Jesus answers in this manner because there was a false conception in the mind and heart of the young man, with regard to his concept of God, and that of man, specifically himself. From the beginning of the Scripture record, we find declared that all that God did was GOOD. This is because He IS good, there being nothing in Him that is not good. The Divine goodness of God, which has no point of reference in sinful man, is the very bedrock and foundation for every other aspect of the glory of God. Regardless of the sinfulness of man, and the shifting changeableness of creation, God in Christ remains immutably, perfectly GOOD. Nothing and no one can alter that goodness. It is for this reason that God reveals to Moses His glory by showing him His goodness. That vision of the goodness of God, and the consequent mercy, grace, and long-suffering of God, is essential if the believer is to live above the effects, and downward degradation of sin. The Lord even tells Moses that this goodness is in abundance. Jesus would reiterate this in His teachings by declaring that the Father gives freely that which is GOOD, even the Holy Spirit. Paul writes that the Father’s will is “GOOD and PERFECT.” How then are we to live in a fallen world, with the knowledge and revelation of His goodness?
In the face of a coming invasion into Israel by the Chaldeans, Habakkuk, knowing what this would mean in pain and suffering, would declare: “Yet, I WILL rejoice in the Lord.” This is victory.
Dear Father, Give us grace to live by faith always in Thy goodness for Thy glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad