“For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:11
When the Lord Jesus used the illustration, or parable, concerning two builders and two foundations, He was speaking of eternal things, things which would last into eternity, and those which would not. He spoke in Matthew’s gospel concerning the building of a house. That house was the testimony of one’s life, what the life consisted of, especially as it related to God. He spoke of the responsibility of the individual builder of his life not only to choose the materials to be used, but also the location, the foundation of that house. He spoke of the type of foundation for the house, that which the house would rest its whole weight upon, as being either temporary or eternal. In the use of sand for a foundation, He was speaking concerning that which would move, change, shift it its ability to support the weight of the house. So that, in the time of storms, rain and wind, the pressures upon the house would topple the house for it was not attached upon an unmovable foundation. The existence of the house would be determined by the type of foundation, especially in its quality of not changing, solid and strong enough to withstand all the forces of nature upon it. In contrast with the sand which was of a consistency and weakness that reasonable forces work upon, causing it to move or to shift, the Lord was very clear that only as the house was built upon the foundation of solid, unmovable rock, would it stand, and overcome all that nature could throw against it.
The Lord Jesus, after painting this picture of the two foundations, brings the reader to the place of the application of the truths of the illustration. This He will do in bringing the individual face to face with his relationship with Christ as Lord. Very clearly the Lord says, “Whosoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.” (Matt. 7:24) Every individual has a choice in life, whether to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, being committed to Him to hear and obey Him by faith, or not. For the one who truly believes in Him, and responds to His leading, that one will know the power of Christ’s provision by the Spirit. God gives His strength and power to the one who can receive it by faith. The reception of such power is eternal, for it comes from Christ, and will last as a testimony to His grace forever. The building that the individual builds is one where the unmovable, and unchanging, holy foundation is only Christ Himself. The means of building the house in a manner worthy of Him is Christ also, by His Spirit, perfectly providing for every need, sufficient to overcome every storm and resistance to it. For the individual who will choose a different foundation, whatever it may be, whether religious, economical, physical, social, or political, the pressures of time and circumstance will prove the foundation of sand to be deficient, lacking in that eternal quality of holy unchangeableness. The man who chooses not to hear and obey Christ is one who does not believe in Him, nor in His saving power to provide to keep that which is eternal intact. That man’s house, and life, when brought before the throne of God will not stand, or resist the testing fire of God’s holiness and approval. It will falter, as he will falter, ever losing that which he thought he had gained. He had built his house for himself, by himself, and now, facing eternity, the terrible reality is that his house will not stand before God.
So, let us build by faith on Christ alone, trusting Him as the Master Builder to reveal to us how we are to build. Let us take care to build wisely, with the eternal perspective of pleasing God, abiding in Christ.
Dear Father, Build through us today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.