“For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:17
Dear Ones:
It is inconceivable that the eternal love of God would go to such lengths in the giving of His all in Christ to pay for our sins, and not “freely give” us all with, and in Him, to live…to reign in life. What then is the key of living such a life? It all begins with what is TRUE, as opposed to that which is not. In the economy of God, we discover in Scripture that God, being holy, distinct, and separate from man, has chosen and designed only ONE way for a sinning, and sinful individual to be reconciled with God. In the heart and mind of God, that WAY was “decided upon,” chosen for us before the world began, and written in a book…the Bible. It was a work so perfect and complete, declared by Christ on the Cross…”It is finished,” that man would be presented with a “free gift,” which in no wise he could declare to be of his own devising. This “WAY,” both a path and means, by which God saves us is perfectly holy, totally effective, and irrevocably unalterable. However, if an individual would benefit from such a work, declared in the most elaborate, intricate, and powerful way, then he or she must see that Eternal Love must be trusted alone, that Christ is God’s only and singularly perfect sacrifice for sins, and at the same time, the perfect power to live and “reign in life.” The work on Calvary has set man free from the bondage, and slavery to sin, self, the world, and the devil. The power of the Spirit of Christ is the blessed “dunamis,” power and authority which God has equally revealed to us. It is by Him, the Holy Spirit, that all is given to us in Christ. But where do we start in considering, “…reigning in life?” We begin by considering the “much more” of God.
When Paul began writing his letter to the Romans, he began with the objective to expound to them the interweaving themes of the Gospel, the “why” and “what” of the good news. He does so by laying a foundation of truth, based upon the holy and wise character and nature of God, “His thoughts and His ways,” as opposed to those of men. He also begins with what is RIGHT In His sight, and not in the eyes of sinful men. With regard to man, he bypasses the arguments of what is right in the eyes of religious and non-religious men alike, to strike at the true condition of man’s heart. “There is NONE that does good, not not one.” (Romans 3:12) He puts all men in the same category, one where the total depravity, the godlessness of man, is man’s state. With such a dark and hopeless backdrop, God makes to shine His light into the dungeon of despair, and hopelessness. That light is the singular light of Christ, His truth, righteousness, and Life. Paul goes on to write of Adam’s sin, which was the one which launched mankind into darkness: “By the offense of one (man) judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so, by the righteousness of ONE, the free gift came upon all men unto justification.” (5:18) Here we have God’s perfect provision, so vast and powerful, so complete and so all comprehensive, the entirety of it being the greatest expression of His love. This is the basis for the “reigning life.” What about the personal experience of His power, that which is essential to LIVE this life?
Again, we come back to what is TRUE, that which the Gospel declares to us concerning “Christ our power,” and the appropriation of that power by faith. The first thing that we need to see with regard to this issue of power is that it IS God Himself, and the very manifestation of Him in the life. For example, on the day of Pentecost, the Spirit of God came with great power, the very realization of the Lord’s promise to disciples. “Ye shall RECEIVE power after that the Holy Spirit is come upon you.” (Acts 1:8) The Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of power, has been poured into the heart of every believer. It is as we pray for the quickening of His Spirit to believe Him fully for all the power needed to live for His glory, that He “freely gives.” “How shall He not with Him (with Christ) freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32) It is in a life of communion with Christ that we can ask in faith, believing according to the promise, that God our Father freely gives…for His glory.
Dear Father, strengthen us to believe Your promise, knowing that as we walk with You, you will “freely give” us the power to believe, receive, and go forth in faith, rejoicing. Keep us in Your will, abiding in Christ, then He will abide in us, in power for Your glory and honor. We thank and praise Thee, in Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad