“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
Dear Ones:
That which distinguishes the Gospel of Christ from every other message to men concerning their true state, and the salvation of their souls, is the singularity and exclusiveness of the true Messenger and HIs corresponding message. What is meant by this? Paul writes that, “There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus.” (1 Timothy 2:5) In this statement, there is the declaration of the exclusiveness of two things, the only God-Creator, and the only man, or mediator, that exists between God and man. There are no others. The “seed” of which the Lord spoke, declaring that it would come from Eve, was that One who was born in Bethlehem, to be the “Savior of the World.” Paul tells us that there is absolutely NO OTHER NAME by which a man can be saved, but by that of Christ. This why true believers are called to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. There is but One God, who had One Son, who has paid One price for all time and eternity, so that the sins of man can be washed away, forgiven entirely. There was but One person upon whom the Father did lay the iniquity of the entire world…His Son. And it is only by this One sacrifice, and One resurrection, that a promise was given concerning “…all flesh…,” from the Father. That promise concerned ONE Holy Spirit being poured out upon all flesh at Pentecost.
In the present days in which we live, probably those referenced in the Bible as the “last days” of the “latter days,” man is brought face to face with another great, singular reality. There is but One Messenger who speaks the truth, for He IS the truth. And there is but one message of power, by which, if a man believes, calls upon God for grace to be saved, will know God’s saving grace. Grace unto repentance will be given unto him to turn from himself, sin, the world and the devil, to live for God, for Christ, loving and serving Him. Herein is the singular provision for man to be saved.
Perhaps the greatest proof of the Bible with regard to the uniqueness, and singularity of the God of the Gospel, is the consequent power which transforms the life. It is the power of God through the message of the Gospel that arrests the attention of the seeking soul. It is the power of God received by the seeking heart that gives the believer to step out in faith to follow Christ. It is the power, or the fresh, and daily, anointing by the Spirit, that transforms the life, making it fruitful, meaningful, and focused, especially in regard to that which is eternal. The person who has come to Christ begins a life that is characterized by that which is eternal. That person, whose feet are made of clay, like those of Christ, possesses the same Spirit of God, which enabled Him to overcome every adversary, and manner of opposition, to His person. The Spirit that enabled Him to conquer death, and be raised Him from the dead, now lives in the heart and life of the believer. Why is this mystery, before hidden, but now revealed, so vital to grasp? Paul writes that God was IN Christ, reconciling the world to Himself. By this singular gospel, and this singular Savior, the Spirit of God being now is IN His church, His body, is now empowered to testify on this earth, to the reality and power of God. By the knowledge of the objective truth of the Gospel, and the saving power of the Savior by the Spirit, the believer can now live by ANOTHER’s life, His power and according to His purpose. Therefore, all becomes possible by faith, to the believer in the will of God, for the glory of God.
Dear Father, Give us to grip the gospel’s power, the power of Christ, to live by the Spirit. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad