“Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them.” Acts 2:2
Dear Ones:
Apart from the death and the resurrection of Christ, the day of Pentecost was perhaps the most dramatic and far reaching event in the history of mankind, for it set in motion the moving of the Spirit of God “…upon ALL flesh.” (Joel 2:28) The outpouring of the Spirit in that day was “announced” by the sound from heaven, “…as of a rushing mighty wind,” filling the whole house where the disciples were assembled. There also appeared “divided tongues, as of fire,” which sat upon each of the disciples. On the one hand, one is confronted with the POWER, associated with the wind. On the other hand, one is gripped by the holiness of God, that blessed burning in the heart, and its consequent expression by the declaring of “…the wonderful works of God.” (Acts 2:11) Joel’s prophecy of about eight hundred years previous had come to pass, according to the declaration of the Apostle Peter, “…I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters will prophecy.” (Acts 2:17) The power and the burning holiness of God in the heart would have its expression in the proclamation of the wondrous works and person of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is Christianity at its birth. Is this our experience today? Has God’s realized promise been diminished by history, and the rise and fall of civilizations? Why then does the realization of God’s power to our hearts, and the burning for His glory and honor, not characterize us more, as it did on the day of Pentecost? Perhaps the answer is found in secret, the secret of God’s presence.
The Psalmist writes in Psalm 91:1, “…He that dwells in the SECRET place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” Isaiah writes: “I (the Eternal Holy One) dwell in the high and holy place, with him that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite ones.” (57:15) These verses point to the fact that God meets man in the quiet, secret place of His presence, in a very personal way. He meets the very needs of the heart. When God called Moses to come up to the top of Mount Sinai, to give him another “copy” of the ten commandments, He told him: “Be ready in the morning.” (Ex. 34:2) Why the morning? Because Moses would be fresh, rested, and living in the expectancy of that which was to be revealed. The second thing God tells him is: “…present thyself there to ME in the top of the mount. And NO MAN shall come with thee.” It is very important to grasp that God desires to reveal Himself to the heart of the individual. The Lord Jesus calls us by our name, and He leads us forth. It is a very personal matter. The third, and perhaps most significant aspect of meeting with the Lord, is that He REVEALS Himself to us in and through His word, by the Spirit. “And the Lord descended in the cloud, and stood with him (Moses) there…” (v.5) God revealed Himself to Moses, because Moses wanted to “see His glory.” Certainly, what God revealed to Moses exceeded his expectations. What does He desire to reveal to us in His Word? Will it not also exceed our expectations? What will be the result of such a “meeting,” in the secret place, relying wholly on the promise that His Spirit has been poured out, and that this “Spirit of wisdom and revelation,” has been given to us that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God? The noise of the “wind” of Pentecost most certainly spoke of the power that was to be “dwelling in the heart of the disciples.” The revelation of the fire was that blessed, holy desire, zeal, and devotion, communicated by the Holy Spirit that should fill our hearts. The God and Spirit of Pentecost has not changed, neither His desire to meet us, becoming real to us in the secret place.
Dear Father, teach us Thy ways, the ways of communion and fellowship with You. Save us from displacing our “first love” by relying on our knowledge and efforts to serve you. Give us grace to rise up quickly to seek and follow You wherever You lead, and to rise up early, and quickly to seek you, especially when we hear You knocking at the door of our hearts. We thank and praise Thee for Your promise of the Spirit, and all that it means. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad