“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
There is a basic human nature mechanism which kicks in when personal danger, or danger for those around us, is imminent. It is fear. This thought, and emotion, is embedded in us as a protection mechanism, either to escape the danger, or to confront it. However, too often another reaction occurs, for the fear paralyses the owner of it, and renders him or her useless in the face of it. One of the mild expressions of fear is anxiety, being anxious about one’s well-being, even life itself. The perspective of the Lord Jesus in this matter, according to His commandments, is radically different from that of natural man. The basis of His teaching on fear and anxiety is found in the knowledge of natural man, but more so, in the ever-present, sovereign God, who helps, delivers, keeps, and comforts, giving strength and courage, out His bountiful store that is in Christ.
In what is called, the Sermon On The Mount, the Lord prefaces His treatment of the matter of worry, and anxiety, by speaking of the impossibility of serving two masters. This is so very important, for the choice of one’s master will determine one’s peace, and deliverance from fear. The Lord Jesus is the true and eternal Master, whose sovereign power and authority, affirms and confirms the promises of His keeping strength. The one who surrenders his or her life to this blessed Master, entrusts all that he or she is and has to Him, the God of all circumstances. Can these circumstances be very brutal at times, difficult to understand, and difficult to endure? Yes, but the testimony of Scripture is the proclamation of the reality of Christ being with the believer, not only intimately acquainted with everything the believer knows, and faces, but there, to BE his help, strength, deliverer, Savior, and Shepherd. The great promise of God to the one who has entrusted all to Him, is this: God will answer the cry of the soul of the believer, for He IS the very present help in time of trouble. (Ps. 46;1) The Lord Jesus speaks of the building one’s house, either on the sand or the rock. He is very clear in saying that the rains will come against the house, regardless of its foundation. The wind and waves will rise and hurl themselves against the house. The house that will remain standing will be the one where Christ is its foundation, and strength.
In Matthew’s gospel, we find the Lord instructing those who were fearful and anxious, saying: “Take no thought (be not anxious, or fearful) for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink: nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?” (Matt. 625) Christ does not say here that we are not to seek food, or raiment. But He is implying that in doing so, and faced with those specific needs, we are to be full of faith in God, believing Him as we seek Him, to provide. David wrote in Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.” The sovereign God is faithful to provide for His children, His disciples, who look to Him for all things. “Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it.” The promise of God’s provision to those in need, is a consistent truth, and principle, throughout Scripture. This is one reason for which we are not to be fearful, or anxious.
On another occasion, the Lord Jesus entered into a boat with His disciples. A storm arose at sea, the ship being covered with the waves. The disciples feared for their lives. Jesus’ answer to them was: “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” (Matt. 8:26) Herein lies the remedy to fear and anxiety. It is faith in the faithfulness of the One surrendered to, who sovereignly works all things for good to those who love, and follow Him.
Dear Father, Surrendering all to Thee, enable us to live, believing in Thy present help. In Jesus’ name, Amen.