“If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to you? Follow thou Me.” John 21:22
Dear Ones:
As far as I can see, there was, and has been, only one Apostle Peter. There was only one Elijah, though John the Baptist would come in the spirit and strength of Elijah. There was only one Apostle John who wrote the book of the Revelation and the gospel according to John. There was only one Ruth, Ester, and virgin Mary (the mother of Jesus). What is it that we must grasp here? Even though we see faith’s Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, and are inspired by those who have preceded us, it is essential to grasp that “God does not make photocopies, only masterpieces.” All these men and women were different, as we are. They were created for their time. God met them in that time as a testimony to the world that He was and is God. The words that were spoken to Ester apply to us this day, for like her, we were created “…for such a time as this.” (Ester 4:14) Like all who have preceded us, those believers whom we have known, and some who presently surround us, we are all individually different, with different callings. It is true that we are to imitate the faith of those who have gone before us, but it is not right that we should seek to be like them. We are called to be transformed into the image of Christ, not the likeness of another believer. How then should this reality affect us?
First, in understanding that God calls us by our name (Jn.10:3), we should be set free from the idea that we are to conform ourselves to the “image,” or even likeness, of someone else, even those we esteem so very highly. In calling us by our name, the Lord Jesus gives us to understand that our life is one that is to be lived unto Him, and Him alone. He is our Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer in Life, and as the Apostle Paul puts it, He is our “All in All.” Secondly, the knowledge of our individual calling is to encourage us in our personal communion with Christ. We do not live by stale bread, nor bitter wine…His mercies are NEW every morning. The water that He gives us to drink is living. There is no change, or diminishing quality of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, the individual’s call to fellowship with the Son of God is unique in what He desires to reveal to us, and what He wills to accomplish in and through us. May we this day give Him to BE what He has willed to be to us, our life, power, love, …and so much more. He has provided all that we need “…according to His exceeding great and precious promises.” (2 Peter 1:4) It is by these that we shall individually, and corporately, be partakers of the Divine nature.
Dear Father, who has called us by our name, give us to understand this day that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, as Thou hast ordained. Strengthen us to lay hold of the fact that our highest individual calling is to Thyself, communion with Thy Son by the Spirit. Give us to be forever persuaded that we have been called to Thee “…for such a time as this.” Accomplish in us all Thy perfect will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Love, Dad